I started surfing this page because I just learned my dear sister has a huge oxy (and who knows what else) addiction. Apparently started with Vicadon for pain and who knows how it's escalated. She was arrested for stealing yesterday, I'm sure to buy drugs. I live out of state and haven't been able to see how out of control it's become. Her and he husband (who is leaving her) are declaring bankruptcy and she now has criminal charges to contend with in addition to the addiction. She lives in Oregon. Our entire family is absolutely beside themselves. I know, the same old story.
I know nothing will happen until she chooses to get help. I've been down this road with my husband's sister who was addicted to crystal meth, which manifests itself so differently from oxy that I didn't even see it. (You can imagine my guilt, too). Anyway, once she's ready for help, though, I want to understand the basic options of getting her off the drugs. I have been surfing, but am having trouble understanding the very basic options and the basic pros/cons of each. Is there a site out there that does that? It seems like the basics are "rapid detox" -- you're under anastesia and come out no longer physically addicted, but still with all the same psychological issues. Cons: High Cost (is around $10K right?) and what else? Then, there's medicaly assisted detox where presumably she goes to a Dr. or clinic and they give her drugs to ease the withdrawl -- is that the methadone or suboxone route where the big debate is whether you're trading one addiction for the other? What do inpatient programs do -- medically assisted? Is Suboxone the treatment for detox of just for maintenance afterwords -- helps you stop cravings? Also, I have heard of Revia, pill or implant, wondering how much that's used and what the pros are.
I know these are such basic questions, but I'll tell you it's hard to surf the internet when the tears are just rolling down your cheeks. Any thoughts are so appreciated.
nancy, you've done some good research already.how can you feel guilty when you are trying so hard to help.Opiate use and abuse is so easy to hide,(i also had a speed problem yrs back,silly me!everyone knew!)does she want to quit?if she does, she will seek out the proper treatment.If she doesn't.it's going to take time(maybe yrs)for her to want to.i cant help much, i'm just trying to keep my ship afloat.you are on the right track though.today is slow here but there are plenty of past posts with lots of info.best luck,,,and please dont cry,you are trying
Thanks Kenny. I have read some of your posts and you are very courageous. Having seen my sister-in-law go through this, the people who are ready to face their problem are the ones who make it. I know you will. Thanks for listening.
hi, my name is mitzy and i have been thru the same thing i was on vicdion for years i would li, steal, beg to get it then, i got pregent w/my girls, twins!! so then i was put on Methadone 8 daily thru my whole pregency to stablize me, because i was pregent and the babies would feel it all, oh i preyed that they would not be born addicted to methadone, they thank god thery were perfect! and know there a year old, so then i realized i needed to get the hell of of methadone, oh s***!! i did it cold turkry did my last dosage on christmas and quit i was ok for a few days then the hell began, cause methadone stayes in your system for a long time thats why it took a while to go thru withdrawl, oh god, i wanted to die i was soooooo restless no sleep for 4 straight days!! sick to my tummy, cant eat, feeling weird, and i had no doctor to help me, i rember my poor mommy having to pick me up a couple of times and take me to the er because i needed something to help me not any narcatics , my poor mommy she went thru hell,i stayed with her for a couple of days and she helped me so much, for the restless legs she binded my legs w/ace bandge really tightly, but not to tight and puta messager under my legs oh my god the pain went away and i was ok for a couple of hours what an angel my mom is!! well to make a long story short withdrawl is waful, i wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy, i was in withdrawl for 3 weeks i even tryed to take my own life, oh my god thats not me i have three wouderful kids and a husband, but withdrawl takes you thru so many emotions , twists and turns that i can not even explain to you, i battle my addiction from the moment i open my eyes to the moment i close my eyes,as i tell you my story tears are rolling down my eyes i can hardly type.recently i broke my tail bone in a fall cause i fainted , unknown why, it hurts bad , but i can not take Vic, or anything besides motrin cause when i did get norco, vicdion for the pain at first i ran out and noticed i wanted more and more and i was terrified to ever get addicted again!! so i do motrin 800mg a day. also i looked up rehabs all of it was not for me there was always a reason i couldnt do it kids, money, ext, so i had to suffer, but im glad im off!!!yeah i never thought i could do it, but i did for my babies and me & my family!! so if you have any questions post me and i will reply i hope that this story helps you understand and helped you, methadone is mad from hitler the devil and it is the hardest drug to get off of, welll take care , god bless you on your journey and rember she has to really wanna get off, you can not make her, just like in me. god bless you on your journry. mitzy
being called courageous makes me feel like such an imposter but thanks.i have slipped 2day.said so in post to cowgirl.it sucks b/c i dont take enough to feel comfortable but just a hair better. hey mitzy!how are you ? noticed a big change in your posts last two days.AWESOME! keep it up!i'll be here 4 most of the next while at least. nancy!what you are doing 4 your sister is a beautiful thing,go gently though.an addict has to admit it to themselves first THIS POST MAY SEEM OUT OF PLACE AS I WROTE IT ABOUT AN HR AGO AND FORGOT TO POST IT BEFORE I WENT OUT.SORRY
i hope this post helped someone, god knows i spent enough time typing it, so take care all of you!!!!!!