Here I Go Again

Well. I am discouraged and feel beaten down. My husband has been on Suboxone for almost a year after withdrawing from Methadone and Opiates. Recently he was layed off and applied for a new job with benefits. He got the job, pending passing a physical and drug test. On the medical report he was ask if he took any medications and he said yes, Paxil and Suboxone. The physician asked him what Suboxone was and he explained. Today they tell him that he did not pass the drug test and would not be hired. It almost makes me wonder if they did a screen looking specifically for the Suboxone because he has passed urine tests before while taking Suboxone. Will this follow him around foreve? Will he be unemployable until (if) he gets off of the Suboxone? I do not make enough to support my family of 5. We have been married for 24 years and have been financially unstable the entire time due his addiction in some shape, form or fashion. I am just feeling very demoralized. It is so very hard not to have deep resentments. This was a good job, with all the benefits.

Just needed a place to vent before I hurt someones feelings.

Weary In Texas.
i'm guessing you don't have a lot of resources considering your circumstances, but you might want to all least check with your local labor office or something. i just wonder if he can be turned down for employment for that reason if he is taking legally prescribed medications. just a question that came to mind.
You know Bob. I am wondering the same thing. He is pursuing that this moment. You know, he was practicing rigourous honesty even telling them what medications he was taking. Could have raised a red flag or something, he even went back over there this afternoon and took another drug test for them he was so dumbfounded. He said that the dr ask him what suboxone was and he was very honest with him. He has been employed since last April and taking Suboxone. I think he needs to check with his addiction dr. who prescribes the meds and get his advice. Of course, that too is expensive and he is out of town and takes appointment a few days a week, sometimes even using a web cam over the computer from other cities. (go figure)