
i dont ever tipe as i am crap at spell ect so here goes any1 28 bean on smack 4 13 years from e14 but at mums kent ,doing the subs bean up all night driven me mad but as 1 of u said sick of all the s*** what cums whith it theft prison ect u no still soon get better
It is very hard for some to articulate or express their feelings of fear and frustration....in your case it isn't important that you aren't exactly a championship spelling bee aficonado....you still earn the 'gold star' in that you have taken the first step....you have admitted your powerlessness in battling your addiction to heroin alone and have stated your willingness to surrender..being very aware of the consequences you have suffered and will continue to suffer as a result of heroin abuse.

you don't give yourself enough credit...Ryan
hi mate im on day 7 now on subutex and its been a struggle but im past the worse im on 10mg but im seein my key worker 2morro to ask them to increase the dose as im still hot/cold all the time it is difficult but definately worth it just hang in there and you'll be dead proud of yourself as you reach that point when you get fed up with gettin the money everyday for that s*** and when you get to that point you just think enough is enough what dose are you on 4 the subs ?

keep postin k..