
hey my problem is herion for six years now,i really were in bad places,diong bad things. Now i am clean for six months already. I must say after alot of money and two rehabs. I met someone who stood by me and still does.I started useing subutex 8mg under my tongue,at that time herion was allaround,so i could not miss it,but i realy wanted to get clean. So in my mind i used Subutex to get off Herion. Big mistake,cause now im addicted to this,i think its better than Herion.I cannot continue this for the rest of my life!!!! My answer is am i ever gonna be free from this!!!!!
Hi Rene,

Are you ever going to be free of this? Man, that is up to you. I remember feeling that way about heroin. Felt like I'd never be free.

Sorry I do not know much about the subbies, but other people do here.

Hey, you made the effort to get clean so you wanted it enough. Has to be the same for the subbies.

Come back and I am sure more people will weigh in on it. Hope that helped a little bit.

thanks for replying!!!
i just realy hope that my life is not over,but you know what u are right,it all depends on what im going to do about it!!!
where are u from?maybe you know soboxsone?
for how long were you useing? And are you clean now? If you are how the "HELL" did you do it?

Regards Rene
hEY there!

Can anyone just tell me how to get off Subutex?
Im on 1mg a day now,but i no longer putting it under my tongue,i smoke it.
The effect of putting it under my tongue and the effect of smokeing it,is totaly diffrent.

I was in 2 Rehabs already and relapsed,with the help of someone i met and my will to stop im clean now for 6months. Or let me say clean from herion on the street.

For those of you thats reading this,you will know that as much as you want your life back,it always,no matter what you do right it always slaps you over and over again it is like magnet on you!!!
Getting off subs is like getting off heroin. Only different from what I've heard. Mainly you get sick but not as sick as heroin. I think it lasts a little longer though.
You just have to make up your mind to do it no matter how bad you feel. The good thing is that you WILL get better and be clean.
But then you have to stay clean. That's the part where most people fail. I did. Lots of times.
I kept going through that hell of withdrawals but I couldn't manage to stay clean!
As soon as I felt better, I'd feel like partying sooner or later. Then I'd hate myself for getting strung out AGAIN.
I went through that cycle so many times! It was insane.
But I wasn't doing anything different so the cycle continued. (I'm a really slow learner).

I never did the rehab thing so I'm not sure if it would have helped, but I doubt it. Probably would have just made me hate myself even more when I got strung out again. lol

Finally I got hooked up with Narcotics Anonymous. For me it helps. I relapsed after six months in the program but I'm clean now and doing well. I'm doing things different now, I'm doing what I know I have to do to stay clean and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off me. I think if you REALLY want to stay clean, you can. So long as you are ready to do what ever it takes.
You don't have to die from this disease.
Best wishes,
Hi Rene,

Oh I am from the States. I do know what subbies are. We have them here. I just never took them. In fact in the last detox center I was in and have been clean since they were kind of pushing them. I just wanted off everything.

Oh I've been clean for years. Used for about I guess 8. How I did it was I just did it. Not meaning to sound all like it was easy. trust me it took me about a hundred tries before it worked.

Thinking of you. You sound as if you CAN and WILL do this.
Hi Mark

Thanks for replying,where are you from? Did you just seek help for the detox? The reason why i ask is because i was in two rehabs and went trew detox twice,it is a nightmare,and everytime that i relapsed i lost more and more of me of what i am!!

I am devorced now after 6years,me and my ex husband used together,it was hard for me cause his perents could aford to pay for a very expensive rehab so he left me behind!!! so everything was going good while we whwre chaseing,but then he had the chance like i said!!

so i was going trew hell,and back im not gonna go into detail cause you know how it goes!!Now im clean by myself!!!

to wich drug were u addicted?

thanks for your help

Hi Rene

I'm in Scottsdale, Arizona. I first got addicted to heroin back in the early seventies when I was in Thailand. I was there three times and by the last trip, I had a massive addiction. After battling relapses on heroin for a couple years, I got clean and from then on I'd just get addicted to pain pills now and then; oxycodone and hydrocodone mostly with the occasional demerol and dilaudid. Oxycontin is a fairly new drug so I never tried it.
A couple years ago I got back into heroin after probably thirty years without it.
I got way into the heroin and kicked it two times in the past year or so.

I only went to an addiction specialist for the first time about a year ago to get off the heroin. He tried me on suboxone but I went into precipitated withdrawals so that didn't work. He sent me home with a script for valium and I kicked at home.
This last time I kicked from heroin, I just got some valium and again kicked at home. (I swear I didn't even feel the valium).
I've never been to a detox facility or a rehab. I just go to NA now. You know, meetings and a sponsor and the 12 steps.

So, what's up with you? Did you get clean already? Or are you just getting ready to kick?
Where r u from?
Hey Mark

Thanks for replying,no im clean,but im on subutex for sixmonths now and cant get of,it is the same as suboxone.What kind of witdrawls did you get is it the same as withdrawls when you get of herion.?

I am in south-africa went to two rehabs and relapsed,my ex husband was also addicted,we used together.I actually want to know how did you get clean,or are you clean totaly?
I realy need advice on to kick the habit,ive tried and still i just want another bag,but i know i cant go back,and i dont want to but its still there...

everyone keep on telling me how they got clean,but not in detail,how long do you stay sick the witdrawls and so on. For a fack no one can tell me a story of herion,that it could be so easy to leave,cause otherwise i wouldint ask for help to get of complely!!!I know no one can help me unless i help myself,i realy want to stay clean,i just need a push in the right direction to get of.

I was useing for six years,please reply and give me advice. How old are u? Have you ever being in South-Africa?Did u chase smoked or inject?And what is the 12steps? What did the AA
do for you to recover?Do you actually have a normal life now without H?

I know its alot of quistions but i realy want to kick the habit and stay clean!!!!

Dear Rene,

No, I've never been to South Africa. But I've seen it in movies.
I was shooting heroin into veins in my arm. Lots of heroin. I'd shoot up five or six times a day.
I'm clean now going on five months. Totally clean, not an alcoholic drink, no pills, nothing stronger than a Diet Coke. No, I don't feel like I'm missing anything, my life has turned around and with the help of God, I'll stay clean till the day I die.

I've kicked off opiates many times. Some of those times it was harder than others. But this last time was probably the hardest. That's probably since I was doing so much dope and I'm older now; I'm 57. I was 56 when I kicked.

How did I kick? First I made up my mind I was going to kick. I set a day and when that day came, I got rid of all my dope and all my syringes, cooker, all my paraphernalia. I crawled in bed at the home of a trusted family member with a trash can by the bed for when I got sick.
Then I waited. Sure enough, I got sick.
I felt very bad for about four days. It was a frightening experience just to watch me go through withdrawals I've been told.
Then I felt just wrung-out for about six weeks. Nothing felt good or tasted good for a month and a half. I didn't sleep much for a month. The urge to use was strong since it would have made everything better. But I was determined to stay clean so I just didn't use no matter what.
I'm so glad I did. Now I wake up clean every morning. Very cool.
You can do it too if you want it bad enough.
For me, I had to decide that I was the one in control of my body, not dope. I remembered back when I was a little kid, before I'd ever even tried drugs. I wanted to get back to that place. Don't you?
Think of it this way; if they threw you in jail with only food and water, I bet you'd get clean!
It would suck, but you'd get clean! So just throw yourself in jail, only do it in a nice warm bed of your choosing.
Kicking opiates didn't kill me and I doubt it'll kill you.
I wish you luck.
Any questions?

much love,
Hey Mark

Thanks for replying so fast!Im also clean now for six months,but im smoking,and im smoking subutex also but im on 1mg a day. I went to many people for help and they told me it is so little it wont harm me,but i dont want anything thats holding me cause now it is not the thai but the piece of subutex if i dont have it i go crazy!but it doesnt give me the feeling that thai did and i cant get high,but still do you think im on the way to recovery or am i fooling myself,im olmost 100% better i look better i feel better,and i can think clearly for a chance!!!

I was a very hard chaser i could not imagine my day without a back of thai. for me just to climb in bed and witdraw seems unreal and very painfull and i can imagine the restlesness,cold turkey and the dreams,when i was in jail i promised myself i wont touch it again,but the day when i got out,i went straight to get my bag,so when am i realy gonna realize to stay clean?
in jail i went trew hell and back but that didint stop me and i think you know how it feels in jail,everything is taken from you,your freedom!!!

why did you want to stop now after all these years?
What r you doing with your life now?
Do you have a family of your own?

Sorry for all these quistions if it is to personal you dont have to answer.
Im 27 i was married and herion destoyed my relationship totaly....

Yes, kicking in jail is a beaitch. But it works!

Why do I want to finally stay clean you ask. Good question. I guess these last couple years with the heroin is what made me really come to terms with myself. I pissed away just about everything I had and I could see the handwriting on the wall. I was going to die from an overdose sooner or later if I didn't quit. And, to be honest, I was running out of money for drugs and I didn't want to start stealing.
I quit dope before I completely lost my business and I'm now building it back up.

I think it's harder for girls to quit than men because of the money thing. Even average looking girls can usually hook-up with a guy that will support both of their drug habits. Plus, female addicts can always resort to prostitution to support their habits as well. That's not usually an option for men.
I was dating a girl that was a heroin junkie a couple years ago. That's how I got back into heroin. She's twenty-seven now and still using. I'm clean so I don't see her any more. She doesn't really want to quit I don't think. I feel really sorry for her cause I know the life of a junkie sucks. When addicted we live in a very small world.

No spur of the moment trips to Accapulco or San Diego for me when I'm hooked. Now I can do that stuff.

You asked me if I think you're kidding yourself cause you're still taking subs. Yes I do.
That answer may be controversial on here since there are quite a few folks that are on suboxone therapy long term and they consider themselves clean. I'm ok with that if that's what they need. Better subs than heroin.
Just kick the subs. It doesn't hurt forever. You know that.
The hard part is staying clean. The pain of withdrawals fades from our memory all too fast.
That's another subject.
Hey Mark

well thanks for shareing that with me it helps!!
I was also with my ex husband and we used together he realy wanted to come clean,and me to but i didnt have the finances thet hes parents hed to go to a good place for good help,at the end he just left me albymyself,ja i know that SUCKS. but now im off herion and doing better,i realy had a bad year last year!!

For me i could never go for prostitutesion,i never want to go there but what if i realy had no plan for money and ou know you will do anything to get thai. I realy loved my ex husband and he dropped me of like a bag of herion.

Now i look forward to my new life!!!you didnt tell me about your family?

I was married and am now divorced about six years. We were married for ten years. I don't have any children.
I have four sisters and a brother that live here in town. Also lots of neices and nephews here too. I'm close with all of them. Virtually all of the nephews have worked for me at one time or another.
I moved back here from Houston, Texas about fifteen years ago and one by one the rest of my sibblings moved back here as well. My brother and sisters are very close since we grew up in like a circus family. We moved about every three months, so we came to rely on one another as children. Also we endured many hardships and that tends to draw sibblings close I think.
There were eight of us kids, but my two oldest sisters passed away some years ago, one from cancer and one from an accidental carbon monoxide poisoning. My mother died of ovarian cancer at age forty - I was twelve at the time. Dad died from a self inflicted gunshot wound - he put a shotgun to his eye and pulled the trigger. That was twenty some years ago.

I live in an apartment with one of my younger sisters right now. I came here to kick last July and she insisted I stay till I get my business straightened out. Works for me. Things are looking up. More business every day it seems!

Enough about me. What about you?
Tell me about your family.
And what are your plans regarding your drug use? I'd advise to take an active role in getting off all drugs. Don't just wait and see how it goes, like I did for so many years.
I can tell you from experience, it doesn't turn out well.
Hey Mark!!

sorry for not replying we moved so today i am setteld. I have a father and 1 sister,4years younger,and 5 brothers,my mother died when i was small,so ja i grew up surrounded by men!!!
How r you doing?i guess i will grow old allone cause the pain i went trew was terrable,but i think you know...

What went wrong in your marrige?

Hey Rene
Im Zaine,also from south africa.live in joburg.Havnt been on the site for a while,i kinda fell into a dark place and am still crawling out.Smoking subs?!! girl,thats asking for trouble.i will be brutally honest and say"what a chop thing to do!"you are just delaying the process.But i must also say that i know exactly why you doing it,its the whole process of smoking thai that you missing,the routine!but you need to stop cause eventually that alone will cause a relapse.
sorry if that all sounded a bit rude,i really dont mean to be,just trying to help,you gotta be cruel to be kind.im understanding that cliche now.where did you move to?moving sucks.
stay clean sweetie,its difficult but not impossible.

hey ppl, this is my 1st post, im on a meth script and have been for 4yrs now, but am still usin herione. just wanted 2 know if any1 cud give me a few tips on how 2 fill my time and stop using, i partly think its a fixation with usin needles and also the buzz i get from going to get sorted ,gettin back, to opening the bag,putting da cidric on ,getting the water ready,heating it,smelling it,drawing it up the pin, ahhhh ,im sorry if ive said to much, im making my own mouth water. But its all i think of. im not on my own as i have kids,and am also not long out of court,due 2 my handing in dirty samples, social wrkers tried 2 have them taken off me,NOW,i thought that would have been enough 2 make me wake up n smell the coffee,but even whilst sitting in the court, all i cud think of was ,id love a hit ,just 2 calm me down. What is it gona take for me to get this drug out of my head and outa my life?????? plz help..... ive been an addict now for 12yrs.
hi gezzo1

to much information there! lol...but your only saying what most addicts are thinking i guess,have you ever tried subutex? and for rene sorry but smoking subutex?????? thats not good n shows that you are still addicted to the whole process of smoking heroin,you are miss using the drug and its not supprising since you are on 1mg a day! 8mg is a blocker anything under you will still have cravings..you need to have a serious think n maybe go back up to 8mg then stay stable on that until your ready to reduce...im reducing from subutex everyother week,ive gone from 16mg down to 10mg then down to 8mg tomorro then im staying on 8mg as this is not my first time on reducing off subbies and the last time i had been clean for a yr then they got me down to 6mg and i relapsed as the recepters in your brain are no longer blocking your cravings so its no wonder why you are still doing what your doing.Im sticking to 8mg and i refuce to go any lower as ive been clean for 2yrs now,when im ready then i will start to reduce from 8mg but under the tongue tho as that is how you are supposed to take it as its sublingual which means dissolve under tongue,i cant see how smoking it helps? especially 1mg?,i hope for your sake you can get help,are you with a drug service? im with a service and i have a keyworker who comes to see me once a month,im clued up on subutex as methadone doesnt work for me as it just enables you to use still plus it doesnt stop the cravings,if you cant get your dose put up then you will have to bit the bullet n put it under your tongue darlin...i understand how hard it must be as you are surrounded by it,you gotta change everything if you really want to get clean take yourself out of that circle.Ihad to and it was hard as i feel lonley but i would rather be lonley than be back on heroin as it has destroyed my life,im slowly mending bridges with people and trying to prove im for real this time and it is happening.i wish you all the best rene,if you have any questions about subbies then just say..ive been battling this since i was 15 and im now 31yrs old!
Hi Rene. I've been on Subutex and suboxone about 15 times now and have managed to kick them but it's not easy.It seems the longer you are on them, the harder it is to stop. Personally, I would suggest first of all that you get back to taking the subs properly before you do anything. You need to break the habit of smoking them. As other's have said, you still seem to be addicted to the whole process of smoking, even if it's not heroin anymore. Get yourself back to taking them sublingually first. When you have broken the cycle of smoking and feel mentally and physically strong enough to have a go, cut down to half a 1mg tablet. Then if you can, try to quarter them till you're on hardly anything. I'm not going to lie to you, that wouldn't be helpful. it is hard to kick the subs but It's not as bad as cold turkey. You do get withdrawals, just not as severe but it is prolonged. The usual stuff. Freezing cold, sweating, agitated, leg cramps, no sleep, sneezing etc. but I have found that valium absolutely help (obviously these are not to be taken long term but maybe for a week or so to get you through). I used Buscopan for the stomach cramps but I'm sure in SA you'll have your own meds for certain things. I'm in the UK and last time I kicked the suboxone, I got a drug called lofexidine. It's quite new and not available everywhere though. It's non addictive and it is for Heroin withdrawals. It's amazing! If there is any way you can get this from your doctor, ask for it. It was the easiest sub detox i've done. My past experiences, it's always around the 4th day that I struggle. That's the hardest bit. Once you get past that, it starts to ease off. You really do need to be mentally ready though as it's the same as kicking heroin, your emotions are all over the place. You know how it is. I was stupid on so many occasions and got clean then went onto a blocker (Naltrexone/Nalorex) but then stopped taking it as I thought I could stay clean myself. Bullsh*t! It was just that little devil on my shoulder talking to me. It was recommended to me to stay on the blocker for a year but the addict in me thought I knew best and I didn't listen, hence relapse after relapse and this is why I've been on suboxone/subutex so many times! If you really want it, you'll get through it. Just remember, it's not as bad as cold turkey but there is no easy way to kick heroin/methadone or suboxone or we'd all have done it first time round! Give yourself a break and take it slow. Good luck and remember, quit smoking them first!
You're in the right place here, you'll get support every step of the way here.
Linz x
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