Hey Everybody, I Know I' M Late As Usual

Even though I still am a person who is, no matter what my intenrions, almost always(maybe 90 to 95% of the time) late. I dont ever make New Years resolutions because it's always struck me as kind of stupid. But the time (the righteous brothers song?) has come to change my thinking on this issue.

I am getting tired of trying to convince my superiors at the myraid of new jobs I have started over the past couple years, that I have not really been late for work every day since I started, no was I late for me inerview. Even though I often seem to arrive 15 to 20 minutes after most of the rest of the staff punches in, and on my schedule it has 9:00 & it is now going on 9:30, I have always thought that you are a man/woman who strikes me as being close to a genius who obviously is knowledgeable of the dangers of group mentality. Obviously it makes a bright person like you suspicious when you post a suggested starting time on our schedules, and all those other people are here within a minute or so of each other.

How could they possibly know when each other would get here unless they are conspiring with each other outside of work. For an honest man like myself, I wish to abstain from even the appearance if evil

Now we both know that If I were to come in at around 10:30 that that would be really late Instead, out of loyalty, I come in over an hour early from being really late, and I don't even reqest extra money,

THE STRANGE THING ABOUT THE SITUATION IS I find myself unappreciated and they make up some excuse to get rid of me. I am even startin to consider they possibility that some of the Floridian bosses are actually considering me as being late, not well over an hour early from being really late.

Well next job I am going to try an experiment . I'll show up at my interviews and job at or before the suggested time.

But now there are some things i am really late for and have been as long as I remember. I am currently banned from taking out library books In every county , or city (and maybe a couple of states) that I have lived or in. When my first wife got a library cardand had the library prevent me from using her card.

My current wife did the same, and my children followed suit (sp?)

BUT NOTHING I HAVE WRITTEN ABOVE (if anyone possibly read thru it, has nothing to do with this post.

This probably could have been onee sentence.

WHAT I AM REALLY, REALLY LATE ON NOW,, is what my New Years resolution is about.


Sorry I'm late.

So the New Years Resolution I am now making is next year I will say Merry Chistmas, etc to you all:on time.

Bosses are funny like that. They want you at your desk working at the time of arrival.

Go figure. People get fired here all the time for lateness. It doesn't matter if you work through lunch or stay an hour past your time.

They especially don't like it if you argue with them over it.

I know because I am habitually late most of the time. I am working on it. Don't want to lose my job.
I most definately must have even been born late b/c I can't get to anywhere on time anymore!!! I'm not usually late for work...I don't get there a moment earlier either. It doesn't matter what time I get up or how much earlier I should get to where I am going b/c I left earlier... something always get in my way and before i know it I am rushing just to be ontime. LOL!
Hate to say this but I think people who are late are RUDE! lol It's one of my pet peeves. I'm always early for everything..probably my grave too. My sister is late for everythingggggg. Makes me nuts. It's inconsiderate. You're suppose to be somewhere at a certain time? Set your clock 20 minutes ahead. My son learned that trick when he almost lost his job. Come on, can't be that hard! :)
My mother told me that being late was arrogance pure and simple. She said I do it to antagonize people. She hit the nail on the head.

It is very stressful always running late. I believe it is one of my character defects. I'm going to be 10 minutes early for work tomorrow. That will be a first.
I was joking and exagerating a little bit because I was about a week late in saying Merry Christmas.....

But I am habitually late, try asj I might. Im not sure what or why it is.

For the most part Cowgirl and the post before (Im sorry, ur name just slipped and I'm not sure how u look back at something while u r writing.

Now my wife is obsessively early and it drives me nuts. Say we are going to one of those school events where u have to sit thru hours of boredom , listening to each and every class sing in multiple keys and not key simultaneiously songs like Crockadile rockand songs by David Cassidy & Hannah Montana , surrounded by idiotic parents taking videos that no one in their right mind would ever watch,

And then in between songs the music teacher speaks for about 10 minutes or so about how subtle the placement of non words between words is in this song, and how challenging and difficult this song was for this class to master, but under his phenominal tutelidge these kids sounded professional & on and on and the audiance claps for about 10 minutes or so.

FINALLY, after about 2 hours, my sons class gets on stage, and he is in the back row because of his height and I only realize it is him after my wife points out the some kid in the back row and I figure that maybe is is my son because he has a checkered shirt on.

When his class finishes, there is at least an hour left and she acts as though I'm blaspheming when I suggest we sneak out till the end.

But the thing about being early or on time to these things strikes me as masochistic behaviour. IF IT STARTS AT 7, SHE WANTS to get there by 6:30. My idea is to take a calculted guesss as to when my sons class sings. Then, no matter what I come up with, get there at 8, wait for him to sing, leave, come back when its over and tell him how much the whole thing sucked, but he did great.

I know that some obsessive compulsive like Cowgirl is thiinking : WHAT IF YOU MISS HIM.

My response: So what?he'll never know & probably wouldn't care. I know I sure wouldnt of cared.

I gotta go now, I was supposed to meet my wife in bet at 11 & its 12:08. BUT NOT TO WORRY, i'M Sureshe is waiting for and dreaming of this sexy hunk wwaling inYES I DO MEAN ME (lol)
LMAO.. yes, I am OCD...but at least I don't piss off people by being late. lol Your wife must have the patients of Job.
Chronically first-note-of-the-first-hymn, as my father used to call it...not exactly late, but not a millisecond ahead of schedule either...I thrive on the challenge of just squeaking in under the wire.

Hmmmm...it is a bit stressful when I think about it, maybe a resolution is in order...I'll think about it on the way to work tomorrow ;-)
Life is stressful enough without making more problems for ourselves. I mean, yes, sometimes you can't help it. Something comes up and bam, you're late but to do it on a regular basis just makes you nuts. Good resolution S. Mine is quitting smoking when we go to Mexico on Friday. I'm not taking any cigs with me and gonna just bite the bullet. Might need a vacation from my vacation...
Browndog, your post was hilarious! Imagine the colossal nerve of an employer setting a starting time, and the other employees who conspire to make you look bad by arriving at the right time, and all together, at that!!

Thanks for the laugh
