Hey Everyone I Am New!

hi everyone I am new to the board and I just wanted to say how great and special it is to read everyone's story's, Its so great too see so many people in recovery .I myself am almost 2 years in recovery from lortabs, perks, oxys, hydros, Vics. I was using 10 to 15 a day for almost 3 years, and finally I just said enough, and that's when I turned around, at the time I stopped I would come to the boards and look around but at the time wasn't interested in writing anything..it was a terrible time for me, w/d and all.....but I did it, and haven't used since, I now work at a treatment facility in upstate,NY.....and Love being able to talk with clients relate to them and give them any advice or knowledge I possibly can to help them on there way to recovery! Thanks too all of you and good luck and God bless you all........Keep that angle on your shoulder.......If I can help anyone, or if you just want to talk please feel free to mail me @ welltalkdamnit@yahoo.com have a great day in recovery everyone!
PS to the lady that refused to VICS from her friend that's GREAT! you are very strong, and If I were you I would distance myself as far from her as I could..."People places and things!!!

Hey! Happy to see someone else survive this hell w/ call addiction.
It's always great to know that it can be done long term.
Happy to see you post.And hope that you stay around.You sound
like you could help a lot of people that comes to the site.
There are a wonderful group of people here.
Welcome and look forward to hearing more from you!!
I had seventeen days clean--I took one perc two days ago--but I was and am in so much pain that I am shaking, nauseated, frantic, generalized acute pain throughout my body, due to endometriosis. It keeps getting worse and worse every month; I can't stand it. There is no cure, so my case is pretty hopeless.

Welcome to our little family and I hope that you feel comfortable enough to pop in and post whenever you feel like it.

What kind of program do you guys have at the treatment facility?



Having Endometreosis does not mean your case is unique or hopeless. If you want medical help and other options then you need to research this. Were you diagnosed with Endometreosis from a Dr.? Until I had the Laperoscopy there was no way for them to know the extent of the lesions. Birth Control Pills help, Lupron helps, Motrin 800 helps. I am very passionate about this since I, too, suffer from the same thing. I used this diagnosis as an excuse for many years.

Good Morning Rach and Meds!

Don't know anything about endometriosis but good luck! I would think they could do something for it though. If worse comes to worse, you might have to get a hysterectomy if the pain is that bad. My sister did, if you let it go too long I would think you would be unable to have children anyway?

Dedrei, did I see this post on another thread or am I loosing it?
Anthony, please keep coming back:) Think you would like it here. good job on the two years!!!!!!!!

Good morning my dear friend Wive:

Yes, a hysterectomy is another option. If the pain is that intolerable than it is something to look into. For me, I defined myself with this in order to justify my taking meds. It didn't work.

welcome to the board Anthony! I look forward to hearing your story!
I had the hysterectomy...it was my only option but now, no more pain and no more excuses to use. I realize that you don't have insurance, D, but when you do, please look into different options.

Hey Rach.
Can't they do a D&C for endo? That may be an option, because Dierdre said she still wants more kids...

Hello Cg...
hey everyone thank you for making me feel so welcome! I really appreciate it.... I just realized that my user names is spelled wrong but I think everyone gets the idea.....to cowgirl, the treatment facility I work at does a number of different things, they do have a methadone clinic, they have groups, stress management anger management acupuncture, GED classes, one on one's the list goes on, I really feel that I make a difference at work and it is a very humbling job. So I am not really sure how to apply to messages, and all that, but I will get the hang of it....to Deirdre I am sorry I am not very familiar with endometriosis although I did do a little research on it, I am sure there are many other MEDS to help you deal with the pain other then Opieds, or other treatment options, I know in some cases they use methadone for pain mang.but I'm not a DR nor qualified to give any medical advice, Just my Opions! :-) but you have made it this far so keep your head up! and never give up hope! If you would like to talk feel free to e-mail me, welltalkdamnit@yahoo.com
again thanks too all of you for making me feel so welcome! its great I hope to read and replay to your story's and triumphs...Hope to hear from you all soon!!! Have a great day in recovery!!

"yesterday is but a dream , tomorrow but a vision, today well lived is a gift, that's why they call it the present" going to bed tonight clean and sober is my present to myself! God Bless
Welcome to the board, Anthony! It's always so encouraging to see people come on with substantial clean time. I'm looking forward to hearing your story and how you got to be where you are today. People like you give hope to everyone. Love, Kat
Hi again everyone, You know I Just had a thought.......I was driving down the parkway today, I mean I have drove down it many times, since I have been clean, but tonight it was getting dark, it was chillyit was rainy, and I just looked over and remember myself walking in the rain, for about 5 miles from a hospital in the area, cause I didn't have any pills, and I was going thought bad w/d and to my advantage I had back problems, that well lets say almost allowed me a free rx when I went to the ER, so I walked in the rain and cold darkness, Feeling faint from the W/D and praying to god I would make it to the pharmacy in time to get it filled, so at least I would relive the w/d and be able to sleep that night.....well I made it, and by the time I got there they must have thought wow, look at this junkie, but I didn't care less! I was getting what I wanted! at the ER I think they new but I don't think they said anything cause I would carry around my MRI and CT scan results with me as if they were my free drug pass for ER's in a way I wished someone there would have said hey I think you got a problem cause honestly I must have went to the same ER 10 times, anyway's back to the topic here, I was driving tonight and just looked over and was like wow, I cant believe 2 years ago I was right there walking in the rain, doing whatever I had to do to get those pills.......and the feeling I got was one of great accomplishment, Just knowing I would never walk that went dark road again! the only road I walk is the one to recovery! Just thought I would share that one little experience one of the many!!!!! ha ha.......you know that night I never would have thought in a million years that I would be where I am now, but with hard work some hard times, a wonderful support network, and a uncontrollable drive to want to change my life here I am!!!! GOD bless you all....Keep that angle on your shoulder, Kat god bless you! Hope to hear form you soon! Have a great night in recovery all!

"when one door closes, another door opens. It's waiting in the hallway that's hell."
I am not a slow learner . I am just ,sometimes, a slow accepter!
Great story Anthony.

Isn't there that wonderful freedom in knowing that we get to choose how we live our lives now?

Glad you're here

Great story..thanks for sharing it..Sharonn
Hello you, and well done, yet another inspiration and reason to continue not using, I am only two wk and 5 days clean, you give hope, thank you and I wish you well. xxxxxxxxx
Andr....don't say it like you ONLY have 2 weeks..honey, 2 weeks is a big deal and you should be really proud.

I am

Good evening everyone!!

How was everyones day? great I hope...If its one thing we learn in recovery it is to seize the day and never take it for granted! to andr1 Just as cowgirl says, don't say it like that! 2 weeks and 5 days clean is GREAT, Here's a little something I love....andr1 you've been sober for 474 hours 28464 minutes and have had 498214 sober breaths! Celebrate!!!!!!! So Today was a great day, the weather stunk but its ok...Bring it on I say!!!!! you know when I was in my 1st days of recovery, I would recite the serenity prayer many times and every time I would say it there was just something inside that said you can do this! Hope you all are well.....I was wondering every time I post am I supposed to start a new topic or post a replay, I'm confused! can someone please explain! ha ha so how long does everyone have under there belt? I would love to know! well gang I guess I will cut this one short, I hope to hear from you all soon.........like I said before feel free to mail me anytime.......
well everyone Have a great night in recovery!

"the only difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is how you use them . No person, place or thing can place blocks in your path if you chose to use them as steps"
GOD BLESS Keep, that angle on your shoulder!
