Hey John, A ? For You!

most likely tomorrow will be the first day of the sub. if you got my email you know my b/f and i are in a long-distance relationship. i feel bad that he has to do this on his own. if i had to i could go there, but also in a way think he might be better off alone. i don't want to be a bother you know? but i would feel better if i was there to support him. talked to him tonight, he seems in good spirits. what do you think? i value your opinion.
If tomorrow is his first day on the sub, he'll probably feel like a million bucks. Since your in withdrawal when you get to the doctors office he gives you the sub right then and there and observes you. By the time he leaves it will be the first time he feels normal. I didnt check my emails, Ill go check to see if I got it.
Anna I got yourr email and responded, my computer's a little funky tonight I hope you got it.
yes i got your msg and responded, is it a bad idea for him to detox alone? it would take some doing to get out there, but i would if i thought it would make a difference. part of me thinks he'd prefer to do it alone. he NEVER asks anyone for help with anything.....
Anna, I just sent you another email but dont know if it went through. He should be Ok alone, I did it alone and told no one, and now Im fine. Slight, slight withdrawals later in the day for some reason but nothing I cant handle, just keep in touch and play it by ear but I think he'll be fine.
thanks john. i just feel bad you know? like my hands are tied. it would make me feel better if i was there, just to keep him company, bring him movies to watch and backrubs.... i am such a good girlfriend. lol. but seriously though, it's hard to be so far away and not know what's REALLY going on.

but if you think he will be ok then i feel better. he's a strong person and i think he's ready to do it for himself.
Anna, check your email I think I just got it to go through.

I'm going to bed, Ill talk to you tomorrow or respnd to email.

Good night
also john, hate to tell u but your last email didn't work.

hehe ok
I know Im tired and messed it up, just fixed it, check again.

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LOL i got it, thank you so much. now go to bed!!!!!