Hey, Johndee

How long did it take you to come clean after you started using sub.? Is the withdrawls from it about the same as painkillers?
No, they were very mild compared to withdrawing from the perks. I took the sub for less than two weeks. The doctor started me on 16mg a day and that was way too much for me so I lowered to 8mg. From there I agressively tapered because I wanted off.
The doctor said the lowest he had anyone get off the sub was 8 days, most he said take about 6 weeks, it all depends on your body.
I felt justa little achy and tired when I quit the sub, that was about it.

Good luck in your decision
JohnDee, i thought about it all night and i think i'a, going to talk it over with my husband and make me an appointment. Because this tapering just isn't me. I tell myself well today i'll take an extra 2 then tomorrow just minus the 2 but i never minus the2!!!!! Hope you will be around when i start sub. incase i need more adivse. Thanks alot for your time.
Abby, good luck in your decision, Im usually on in the afternoon and evening. Feel free to ask me any questions, others on the board can also help.