Hey Marie

Hi Marie,
How are you tonight....it is so crazy here. Been decorating the tree since Monday....still isn't done. Promised myself that even if I have to stay up all night it will be perfect by dawn. Then all the Christmas cards, baking and cooking....lol My daughter had a chourus concert tonight, so that slowed my evening down. It is worth it they sang beautifully!
Wanted to thank you for the kind words..... they filled my heart girl!
You take care,
BTW...Been following the posts between you and Browndog, all I can say is OMG.........you both have told some great stories!
Hey Tina, I agree with you on their stories. What a surprise about Marie, huh? She's so sweet it's hard to imagine her gangster side, lol. They've both had me entertained. Just wanted to add also that I enjoy your posts. You're very encouraging and always have a positive attitude. I think it's nice that you are here. Love, Kat
If you guys knew my story, you would FREAK
I don't freak easily, try me, lol. Love, Kat
Thanks Kat.....really don't need the praise guys but it is nice to know that you all care......

Danny, I am afraid to ask your story after you had a dream about Vinny......
Thanks Tina - youre a doll - I thought you said you were putting up 2 trees? What happened? Or am I mistaken - maybe 2 much time on puter LOL!!! Love ya girl - Oh yes, I did live one wild life and wouldnt trade any of it - except the friggen painkillers lol. You have a good one.


Kat -

I think you are a special person too. A really great addition to this board. You always go out of your way to make sure you say "hi" to everyone and to try to make people feel "comfortable" - youre so sweet, too. Love ya girl.

Marie...the first one has been done.....it is the second one that I am still doing....I have one in my bedroom, ok sounds sick, but my bedroom is like 400 square feet. I split the room, so I have a sitting area. The bigger TV is in there too....lol.....The one in the living room, is what I am working on almost done and it is looking good......until the baby wakes tomorrow and un-decorates it!
Could you be any nicer Marie? I don't see how! I love you too. That's totally cool about your winnings! You deserved it. Hey Tina, yeah, I forgot about the Vinny dream, hmmm......lol love, Kat

Ha Ha - Told ya I was # 2 LMAO!!!!!

Love ya,
omg Marie, you are just too funny! lmao, love, Kat
Kat -
You are going to die - ask Sharon to send you a copy of what I sent her. OMG this WILL freak you out - it did me - I'm still in shock!!
OK DANNY - SPILL IT ALREADY!!!!!!You have our attention:o)

Well Marie you've sparked my curiosity, lol. I think I'm going to go to bed early tonight, early for me anyway. You know us night people, (wink). If I can't sleep I might pop back in later. Sharon is gone too so I guess I'll have to wait until tommorrow. Darn, lol. Don't you have my email address? If not I'll have Sharon send it to you. Guess I'm going to miss Danny's story too if he doesn't hurry. Take care, love, Kat
Kat - I'm tired too, so I think I'll call it night. If I cant sleep, maybe I'll pop in later!! Good Night!!

Hey Marie,

If you get back up stop in and chat. I just made peanut butter fudge and now can't sleep, lol.

Kat-Marie, I'll do it today
OK Danny boy, we will be anxiously waiting - I have my grandaughter here in a little while - so I might be able to check later when she is napping (unless I decide to nap with her too:o)
