Hey Mj

I just wanted to post and see how you were doing.Have you been able to let the past go and move on? I know somehow we feel we have to punish ourselves before we can move on.NOT TRUE THOUGH...As humans we will always make mistakes...how else do we learn is we wouldn't.

Just thinking of you this morning!
Kevin your LOVE & COMPASSION amaze me.Yes I feel as if Im forgiven myself.I realized(thank you Lisa)that I need to ask for help BEFORE I slip.I know Ill need more surgeries & NEXT time I will open up & let you all know I think I may need help.
Im still in ALOT of pain but FINALLY eating more than just mashed potatos!!!
How are you dear man?In case I never said this you are an AWESOME humans.....mj...S
MJ...What a catch 22 HUH? Being in so much pain,but also being addicted to narcotic pain meds.Hopefully soon the medical field will come up with something that is beneficial for addicts in pain and chronic pain.

There are so many deaths from suicide because addicts could not find the proper relief from chronic pain.I myself tried a couple of times.It's such a visious cycle with pain and depression.People give up trying and feel there is no other way out.I know many say it's the cowards way out,but those are usually the ones that don't have to live on a daily basis with chronic pain and depression.

Thank you for the kind words,but i'm no different than any other addict.Only by the Grace of God am I still here.I see so many people who posess more character and qualities than I do.It just pleases my heart when struggling addicts get it!!!..They see the light and start to better themselves.I really wish those who are in the eyes of the media would be more willing to share their success stories of addiction.Maybe it's not all their fault...the media is always looking for ttrash to publish to sell papers.

Your a special lady Sabrina.Slow down take each thing as it comes and you will be just fine!

Just popping in to say how much I think of the both of you. Two pretty amazing people and I'm so honored to call you both my friends.

Take care
Hey Cowgirl...YGM...Haven't heard from yah in awhile!!

Love ya always Kiddo,