
Good seeing all you wonderful people!I'm really sorry about your brother Carol.That is absolutely tragic and also my sympathies to Kat,Poopie and any others I missed.I know it's a redundant cliche but"there by the grace of God go I."

Nothing too new to share.I'm back in scool and that's fairly time consuming.Work sucks.I need a killer Spring. One exciting thing to shares is I've met an absolutely dynamic woman in AA who is an artist and is crazy as bat s***.It's quite amazing to connect with someone spiritually like we have and share almost everything in common.I'm teaching her how to surf and I can tell she's really excited.And the best part is she's never been to prison or is waiting to go.LOL

Congratulations Mark.I nearly cried when I read your post.You've worked so hard to get where you're at.It is such a simple program and I know we are not to project but it would be awesome to celebrate your anniversary.

Also,welcome to all the new people.You are the most important people here.

Hope you all have a great New Year!!!! yes I've turned into a night owl .I get my best work done at night.Later friends!
Oh Christ! I forgot the most important...Sammy.I don't understand.What a beatiful soul stole.
I'm devastated,"Ich werde Sie lieben immer."Her post always conveyed such hope and compassion.If anyone know where I can make a donation to the family,please e-mail me.Thanks,Tim.I'm broke but I can scroung enough to buy something,
Well, well, well...look what the cat dragged in =)

Not nearly enough info about this school business...what are you taking? Inquiring minds want to know...

We have missed you, Tim!

Love ~S
I love seeing all the new pieces you have created on fb...
Enjoy class, enjoy the late nights creating ( know you aren't alone in those late night endeavors ) while you have the time to do so cause spring will come and you will be busy again wondering where the time went...
I am waiting patiently on spring to see what the 2 new areas look like when things start to pop...

YAY! You're back! I know I get to see you on FB once and awhile but miss you so much here...

Please don't stay gone again.
i agree with Lisa :)
Gosh, Tim, it is so great to see you back on board.

I have missed your words, your ESH.

Big smooches~
Thanks for such a warm response Kat.I've missed you guys equally.And thanks to you Carol for your invaluable help.You can say what you want to about our differences but we seem to be a tight family when it matters.

Thanks for popping in brother, made my day. s***, it is freezing here in the Pineywoods, thinking of heading to Dallas , looks a mess there too. I got be around The Super Bowl though..Houston was sweet, Let's see how Dallas does.

Oh, and never trust a woman who has never been to prison(j/k)

As always,

Thanks for shraing...
hello.sweety,sooooooooo good to see you..much love.poopie xxxooxx
Just want to add my "hellos"too Tim.Its nice to hear that your doing well..GOOD FOR YOU.
Though I know we never spoke much...Im glad I can go back & read some of your old post...because you too had some pretty good messages in your post.
Thank You
Hi stranger!

What the heck is going on in our city?!?!? BRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrr.....

Glad to hear you're doing awesome! I'm doing awesome myself! 44 days clean off vicodin!

Skeeter,MJ...Chow!Fantastic Skeeter.This isn't a race.As soon as I accept that there is a law that has nothing to do with me then I never get to experience a lasting peace.Did you find something that you click with? What about you Molly? I know how you struggled so many years with twelve step programs.Were you able to work through that?

I always like to look at life like a straight line.If we keep static I think that's the general direction our life will follow.I believe God[Our Higher Being]wants so much more from us and gives each of us the potential...Tina,her brilliant writing,Rachael too..Sandra..gardening..Lisa..her innate gift with horses...Carol...jewelry,Mark,his talent for designing pools,Foggy...her incredible gift of lifting people's spirits up.

There are so many I can't begin to list them but you get the gist!!

((((((((((hugs))))))))))) Tim. You're just a REAL good guy.
Hello stranger!!! (on here anyways...lol) It's good to see you posting. You said you went back to school...that's great. So, what are you studying?

Missed ya!!
Hi Tim nice surprise to come on here and see you posted. I've often wondered about you and how you were doing. Good to see your doing so good and life is being gentle on you. Good to see you back.

God Bless....
Thanks my good friends.I know I'm always behind but I just watched the real Housewives of Atlanta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Holy Crapola!!!That's the funniest s*** I have ever seen.I thought it used to get nasty around here but those ladies hold nothing back.Love the drag races!!

DUDE>>>I LOVE THE SOUTH and I better get off here.Cheers!
Skeeter...It will warm back up on Friday.I missed you,
Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!----For those following along on the original Chinese calander.

2011---The year of The Rabbit.

little tidbits for today, if you will indulge me....It is actualy..

4709--- Which will be A placid year, very much welcomed and needed after the ferocious year of the Tiger. We should go off to some quiet spot to lick our wounds and get some rest after all the battles of the previous year!

4709-----The Year of the Rabbit!!!!!!!!!

Legend has it that in ancient times, Buddha asked all the animals to meet him on Chinese New Year. Twelve came, and Buddha named a year after each one.

I will be eating at the local buffet, celebrate the rabbit.


Hi Tim,
sounds like life is treating you well, it's nice to hear that.
Take care