Hey" Just Wanted To Say Good Morning Dear Members

GOOD MORNING" dear members i hope u are all doing well PLEASE hang in there stay strong and take care of your selfs u are in my thoughts and prayers.
P.S Has anyone heard from bob + gina .
Buenos dias
Good morning Helen,

Always good to see you. I was going to take a break from the board for a while. But then thought about the advice I had given others. Just ignore the people that irritate the hell out of me. So, I'm learning. I won't be here as often anymore though, I need to work on myself and being on this board, well it gets people crazy rather then it helping all that much. So many good people have left, It's supposed to be about support but if somebody treats what they call the "posse" like crap it's ok, the other "posse" group comes to their rescue. I'm tired of it. Helen, you have my email address, you can contact me anytime. I will write you as well. Like I said, I need a break.

Hey Helen, good morning, hope your well?
hey Liz, how you doing today sweet? hope your okay xxx still sending you (((((posative vibes))))
Hey Little H,
Always good to see you here. How are you? I hope your doing okay. I know this is hard for you, but is there anyway you could try to get to Fla? Or is it easier said than done, being from a different country and stuff. Let me know.
We're planning an actual meeting where all board members will meet and spend a few days together and get to know each other.
Liz how about you? Have you been reading about it? I think it would be great if we could ALL get together and do this. You have to remember, we're in a touchy thing this recovery or trying to recover business and things are going to be said. For me its always been easy to let things go after I get mad at someone, I guess its just my nature, I get mad, think about it, think about the person I get mad at and then analyze it and its never so bad. I think about all the conversations I had with the person or whatever and then realize that whatever was said is not worth losing a friendship over and I get on with it.
I guess like I said, its just my nature but it is easy for me to let things go and to get over things and not harbor any bad feeling. I have no bad feeling towards anyone, I like everyone here, that won't change.
Hiya sis i sure miss ya on the site you say such funny but inspirational things jackie xxx
HEY" brown dog hows it going i hope all is going well with u
HI" there big sis how are u feeling i hope much better remember take it easy and get well, oh ya anouther house hold hint about our darling hubbys helping with the house work if u are out of automatic dish washer detergent hide the dish liqued from mike" as bill found out u cant use that in the dishwasher eigther wall to wall bubbles bless his heart lol..i sure wish i had a video camera around here bill would find him self on funniest home videos lol.. anyway please take care i lov ya big sis.
HEY LIZ" i understand but please remember there are alot of people who need and love u here i am one of them dont ever forget that and yes iam here for u anytime u need a shoulder email me girlfriend.

HEY" gabbi how are u i hope u are doing ok u are such an insperation and a very kind person to many on this post please take care .

BRIAR" how are u we have not posted to each other for awhile i hope all is well and i want to thank u very so much for the invitation and if i could i would love to attened but even though my son is much better i just would not feel right about leaving on a trip i would just always worrie how my son was doing and i would just miss my family to much if iam away from my family for just one night i get very lonesome i sure hope u understand u are such a sweet humanbeing and u are amoung the dear friends i have made on this post who have helped me get to where iam today again iam sorry but u are a dear for inviting me but anytime u want to chat iam here please take care .
Hey Gabbi,

Thank you for the sending the positive vibes, lol, Guess they keep missing me. I don't know how I am for real. I'm up and down all the time. How are you doing?


I doubt I can make it to Florida, I'm in NY and I can't even make it to town here a mile away without walking if I wanted to get there bad enough I guess, lol


I don't know, I'm so frustrated still about that detox and everybody asking me what happened there. Just really getting to me anymore. I get so tired of everything I guess. I get told don't give up but when you struggle to get help and get just run into crooked people everywhere you turn, like the courts, police and now detox, it just gets the better of you. I am not sure what I'm going to do anymore. Part of me says keep fighting then the other part says forget about it. Life isn't worth this much. Sorry, just the way I've been feeling lately. Maybe I'll get over it. Who knows?

LIZ dear iam sending u an email very soon.