Hi Bob + Gina"

HI BOB" is gina ok iam so sorry about her feelings getting hurt she is such a dear lady i hope i had nothing to do with it i for one would never hurt anyones feeling intesionaly if some one hurts then i hurt so please if i had anything to do with that tell her iam sorry i posted under the topic ladym last post about cancer i dont know who kiwi is but after reading that kiwi post i just had to respond it was not aimed towards gina at all to me she has always been an angel a very kind lady" that post brought back so much painful memories watching my father inlaw scream in pain towards the end and then seeing him take his last breath they caught his cancer to late for awhole year the doc kept treating him for ulcers ya right" and his doc was not in one day we had to take him in so he saw anouther doc and right away that doc knew it was cancer" anyway he was not thinking clearly anymore due to the pain so he yelled for help so i just stated to kiwi that for him there was no such thing as sitting on the pity pot" so i just wanted make sure gina + you are ok" and again i hope i did nothing to hurt gina please take care u are such dear people and we need u here. HUGS + LOVE LITTLE H.
We all need everyone here..people might get mad, but I've never seen such compassion.
Hi Danny.

I've read on the other thread that you may have cancer. I hope you don't. I will keep you in my prayers. Take Care.

Bob and Gina I hope you guys come back to this board. Can't let one person run you off. You guys are loved here.

LittleH, I hope all is well with you. I'm not trying to speak for Bob and Gina but I doubt very much they are angry with you. There isn't any reason for them to be. Have a great day.

Liz- I am certain I'll be fine. If I wasn't going to be, why would I be here looking for other help? I'm 100% cool with everything. But God, thank you for support. Now, if we can only get other people to be friends again!!!! THAT'S whats important here!!!!
if any thing comes about the cancer ask dr frist eat apicots nuts ther toxic but the kill cancer thats a secert iv seen personly ASK YOUR DR anyway take sweetie your a kind person i mean take care love y