Hi Everyone

Hi guys,
Just checked in and wanted to say hello and hope your all doing well.
My son and I went to a show today where it was a guy performing with his dogs and cats and had them doing all kinds of really cute tricks and stuff. Afterwards, we went to Target for just a few things, and $110 later, left and I only got cleaning supplies and shampoo & stuff like that. Man, where does the money go?
Teresa, if you read this, did you send me an email about an update? Just want to make sure its you.
Hope all is well with everyone today. Its so nice here, 73 and sunny all day.
I did read a post about snuggling up by the fire and watching movies during a snow storm and that did make me miss the snow, we used to do the exact same thing.
Well, hope everyone is well, I'll come back on later, gonna get some much needed housework done!
Hi Briar,
Come on up to Wisconsin, I'll hand you some snow boots & a shovel! Nice to see your post!
Thats were we spent the last eighteen years before moving to AZ last spring. WI Rapids to be exact. Are you familiar with Rapids?
NO WAY! That's my HOME TOWN!!!!

Hey Briar.............73? Most of these folks don't want to hear about the ones of us who don't have to shovel snow!! LOL

Ut oh! Are you and Addict mom about to find out you were in the same PTO?

Love, Carol
Carol -
I think Briar signed off for now...the mysterious reunion news will have to wait until later tonight! Wisconsin Rapids has only about 18,000 people, and I have 7 brothers and sisters, so odds are we might know each other somehow!
Tonight is just weird!
I gotta go do some actual dishes before the health inspector comes! I'll be on later! Hope you feel better about your daughter!!!
Betsy, I do. Thanks so much!!!
73 and sunny huh?? Here it is 2 and 1 foot of snow on the ground with 45 mph winds. I would give my pinky toe for 73 degrees...Kim
I know, this is the first winter in my life thats not a winter. Before living in WI, I grew up in Chicago (suburbs) and had winters all my life. One thing tho, it sure didn't seem like Christmas this year.
But I do love this weather.