Hi Stacy How Are You

I am kinda sick so going to crash and realized where the ----- is Stacy.

Whats up Stacy (Kaylins Mommy)? How you doing? Work? Kaylin?

Good night Stacy


How are you? --drop me a line please--Jeff
Jeff, She did post earlier. Hope you are feeling better soon. Shantel
Guess I mised it. Going to crash. Feel like crap. But much better than eralier this week.

I will suffer tomorrow at the beach with my neices and Sis Sopposed to be 80+ and no clouds

Have a good night Shantel

Sorry I missed this Jeff.
I am good, clean, busy. I love being busy. My job is totally taking off. It is wonderful. I am sure if I didn't have that job my life would be a total different story. For now, it is saving my life. I don't like being dependent like that, but that's just how it is right now.

Kaylin is doing great. I swear the girl has a memory like an elephant. She retains so much. (gotta be careful!!!)

Just last night my husband said "KAYLIN!! Let's go take a bath!" and without missing a beat she said "no daddy, take a bath tomorrow" lol.

Thanks for asking about me.

I certainly relate to the Job comment. I Love my job and to be able to get back into my "career" Man Its all startin to pay off.

Any My Dad since 2002 2 back surgeries hundreds of procedures--knee replacement prostate cancer -bladder cancer prostate came back they cut his bladder and Prostate out and NO F_IN CANCER> Not one Cell

Yes it can come back but he beat it. An amazing man. His fight lit a fire under my arse. Funny how things work out.

Last night was yakin it up with B.I.L whop left me alone to eat as he took my sis out --anyway another possible blind date. So as I am going out meeting people -"networking well just a matter of time for a nice woman to totally mess me up. Look forward to the challenge.

I am so happy for you and that angel of yours. How is the hubby? is he still on sub? are you weaning?

Drop me a line off the board if you want.

Have a good evening

Hey Jeff. Him and I are both down to 6mgs. and i'm planning on dropping 2mg within the next month.
my doctor would keep me on it forever if she could.

I'll email you soon.

I'll send you some pics of me and kay dressed up tomorrow for easter. My mom bought us both dresses and sweaters. (god bless her)
it's gonna be pretty chilly tomorrow here. It even snowed a little in Atlanta...that's only an hour north. i wish we could've gotten some.

Hope your date is fun. Haven't forgotten about you or a lot of my precious friends here for that matter.
Keep on keepin' on.
Stacy please have a supply of them 2mg suckers. Makes cutting much easier as you will soon be cutting in little pieces.

Look forward to seeing the pictures
