
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to say I am fine...... Thanx to the people who were asking about me......

My boyfriend and I have taken this week to work things out..... I stand beside him as I always have..... I Love him... It's as simple as that..... I am sure everyone will respect my decision....... He is back in recovery..... Strong as ever... Going to meetings... Going back to out-patient rehab..... And I support him... Just as he supports me with the things I go through in my life..... We are a team......

Thanks again,

Not As Nuts Now
Dear notas nuts, Hi , Im really glad everything is getting better for you. I do understand that you are a team and you love him. I am going through the same thing myself, That is really great he is doing the program, I hope it all works out for you I really do. Good Luck, I will keep the both of you in my prayers.Kim

Thank you....... It's hard to walk away isn't it??? Even harder still when you just don't want to.......

This man without drugs is so absolutely perfect for me....... And he's deadly serious about getting the help......

I hope your situation improves also....... Pray!!!!!!!
Hi Nuts,

Yes, you are Nuts and I know this. That goes way beyond anything having to do with addiction though.

Anyway ... Thanks for still being here. Thanks for sticking with me. Thanks for Loving me more than I could have ever imagined.

I am the boyfriend that owes several people here an apology for my actions of last week. I will do that in a separate post.

Just wanted to quickly and publicly thank Nuts for showing me Love and Caring at a time I needed it most. And I apologize to Nuts as well.

Albert R.