hello all my sweetes, well im in my aunts house ,she lives near the fram ,but outside of it(commuity),its so cooled she has wood only ,,they all have wood burners no baseboared heat ,,,gas stoves ,,but every time im here it feels like im in the 1800 hundreds...it nice wood beds woven carpets,lace coutrains .potty bowls under the bed ,,,so nice but cold ,,now my aunts has internet,and a computer she is a book writer,,so this is not ok ,with thee edlers,, but times do change ,and certains things they have no power over,and my aunt was rebel in mant ways like me ..she writes omish cook books,can only buy them in omish stores ,when there open,,,,well its so cold my feet are frezing,,,I have a bed wramer and i have a flash lite.they go to bed at 7 and wake at 4,,,so im in bed ,,readind and on the boared ,,cant do this at momo house ,,well I will read and post ,,hows all tonite kat liz cg bob gina carol misty ,,allwqe had roast duck mishes ,troters,weals poteae...all omish food german food to kanerdles sheztils,,apples cake ,potatoe cakes,,love poopie,at the door,,bye,,,its dark here to in my rm guest rm
Hey Poopie,
wow, sounds interesting there. I couldn't handle those hours. Nor could I handle the cold. How was your day?
wow, sounds interesting there. I couldn't handle those hours. Nor could I handle the cold. How was your day?
Poopie, What about corn chowder, and shoo-fly pies??
What in the world is a Shoo-fly-pie?
Poopie, hope your staying warm..It is 17 degrees here.
Poopie, hope your staying warm..It is 17 degrees here.
Its mostly molasses and sugar.. Its Amish food.
Oh I didn't ask because I thought Tom was joking, lol...
Im going to have to look it up...sound like liquids? Is there any fruit in it?
umm, wiverson... The Amish dont have web sites..lol
LOL, that's funny...
No fruit, it kinda tastes like pecan pie without the pecans..VERY sweet
Pennsylvania Dutch
The Pennsylvania Dutch are children of German immigrants who settled in and around Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. Some Pennsylvania Dutch belong to the Mennonite or Old Order Amish religions. The word "Dutch" is misleading -- the people have no relation with the Netherlands. It's a derivative of "Deutsche" (meaning German). It's believed that outsiders, unable to pronounce the word "Deutsche, used the term "Dutch" instead. Lancaster, Pennsylvania is known as Pennsylvania Dutch Country, Amish Country, or the "Heartland" and is the home of many simple yet delicious recipes.
Traditional Shoo-fly Pie
Makes two 9-inch pies
Line two 9-inch pie pans with homemade crust and chill. (Or chill store-bought unbaked piecrusts.)
1 cup molasses
1 tsp. baking soda
1 cup warm water
Stir baking soda into warm water. Add molasses. Stir until foamy.
2 cups flour
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/4 to 1/3 cup butter
Mix flour, sugar and baking soda. Use pastry blender to cut shortening into flour mixture until it makes very fine crumbs.
Pour molasses mixture into chilled piecrusts. Sprinkle crumbs over the top. Bake in oven at 425 degrees F. for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 350 degrees F. and bake until crust is browned and the filling is set, usually about 35 minutes.
The Pennsylvania Dutch are children of German immigrants who settled in and around Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. Some Pennsylvania Dutch belong to the Mennonite or Old Order Amish religions. The word "Dutch" is misleading -- the people have no relation with the Netherlands. It's a derivative of "Deutsche" (meaning German). It's believed that outsiders, unable to pronounce the word "Deutsche, used the term "Dutch" instead. Lancaster, Pennsylvania is known as Pennsylvania Dutch Country, Amish Country, or the "Heartland" and is the home of many simple yet delicious recipes.
Traditional Shoo-fly Pie
Makes two 9-inch pies
Line two 9-inch pie pans with homemade crust and chill. (Or chill store-bought unbaked piecrusts.)
1 cup molasses
1 tsp. baking soda
1 cup warm water
Stir baking soda into warm water. Add molasses. Stir until foamy.
2 cups flour
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/4 to 1/3 cup butter
Mix flour, sugar and baking soda. Use pastry blender to cut shortening into flour mixture until it makes very fine crumbs.
Pour molasses mixture into chilled piecrusts. Sprinkle crumbs over the top. Bake in oven at 425 degrees F. for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 350 degrees F. and bake until crust is browned and the filling is set, usually about 35 minutes.
Do you make Apies Cake? My grandmother was raised around the Pennsylvania Amish Country, and I haven't had Apies Cake for 20 years, if you have a recipe please post.
Do you make Apies Cake? My grandmother was raised around the Pennsylvania Amish Country, and I haven't had Apies Cake for 20 years, if you have a recipe please post.
I'm thinking Poopie went to sleep.....
LOL, I am actually going to lancaster tomorrow (outlet stores)
Hi Poopie, hope you're keeping warm.
Wendy (the web master), what are troters?
I think I'd like to go eat at Poopie's community some time.
That was a hint, Poopie, lol.
Love, Kat
Wendy (the web master), what are troters?
I think I'd like to go eat at Poopie's community some time.
That was a hint, Poopie, lol.
Love, Kat
I have some Pennsylvania Dutch great great great grandparents....
Poopie, that sounds like a wonderful traditional Thanksgiving. I hope that y'all had a great day.
We broke in our house today, my kitchen is a dream, very big and well planned out...did a buffet that went through the entire kitchen, darn good think we had plenty of counterspace. Lots of great food, got to play with my grandbaby...it was a nice day. Though I was major stressed out before it, I don't handle being the party organizer well. I'm thankful that my Mom was there to help me hostess.
Now we are all really anxious to be out in the house. We'll be moved in by Christmas...what a wonderful gift!
Poopie, that sounds like a wonderful traditional Thanksgiving. I hope that y'all had a great day.
We broke in our house today, my kitchen is a dream, very big and well planned out...did a buffet that went through the entire kitchen, darn good think we had plenty of counterspace. Lots of great food, got to play with my grandbaby...it was a nice day. Though I was major stressed out before it, I don't handle being the party organizer well. I'm thankful that my Mom was there to help me hostess.
Now we are all really anxious to be out in the house. We'll be moved in by Christmas...what a wonderful gift!
Kat, Trotters
ī grāmata ir par kaujām, kurās ar niknumu cīnījās neēlīgos, arktiskos apstākļos, biei vien ar lielu varonību abās pusēs. Partizāni uz slēpēm, varonīgi vienpatņu uzbrukumi tankiem, neizmērojama izturība un viena no pagājuā gadsimta patieso militāro ģēniju harizmātiska vadība tādas bija Somijas īslaicīgās uzvaras sastāvdaļas. Ar visu somu vareno pretoanos iznākums bija jau ieprieknolemts. Krievi novēloti aptvēra, ka gaidītais vieglais triumfs pār skaitliski ievērojami mazāku pretinieku pārvērties slaktiņā.
Tika nomainīti nelietpratīgi komandieri, pozīcijās izvietoja vairāk un labākus spēkus, tika pavēlēts pārmākt un sagraut somus ar milzīgā skaitliskā sastāva svaru vien. Lai arī somi zaudēja kaujaslaukā, viņu asā pretestība neļāva dzelzs priekkaram nolaisties pār viņu zemi, un Somija pretstatā Austrumeiropas valstīm spēja saglabāt brīvību. Trotera mīlestība uz somiem, viņa skaidrā, uzrunājoā valoda apvienojumā ar dziļu tēmas pārzināanu atdzīvina cīņu, kas nekad netiks aizmirsta.
ī grāmata ir par kaujām, kurās ar niknumu cīnījās neēlīgos, arktiskos apstākļos, biei vien ar lielu varonību abās pusēs. Partizāni uz slēpēm, varonīgi vienpatņu uzbrukumi tankiem, neizmērojama izturība un viena no pagājuā gadsimta patieso militāro ģēniju harizmātiska vadība tādas bija Somijas īslaicīgās uzvaras sastāvdaļas. Ar visu somu vareno pretoanos iznākums bija jau ieprieknolemts. Krievi novēloti aptvēra, ka gaidītais vieglais triumfs pār skaitliski ievērojami mazāku pretinieku pārvērties slaktiņā.
Tika nomainīti nelietpratīgi komandieri, pozīcijās izvietoja vairāk un labākus spēkus, tika pavēlēts pārmākt un sagraut somus ar milzīgā skaitliskā sastāva svaru vien. Lai arī somi zaudēja kaujaslaukā, viņu asā pretestība neļāva dzelzs priekkaram nolaisties pār viņu zemi, un Somija pretstatā Austrumeiropas valstīm spēja saglabāt brīvību. Trotera mīlestība uz somiem, viņa skaidrā, uzrunājoā valoda apvienojumā ar dziļu tēmas pārzināanu atdzīvina cīņu, kas nekad netiks aizmirsta.
I know that I'm crazy but have I started seeing things too. What kind of language is that?
I know that I'm crazy but have I started seeing things too. What kind of language is that?
That is called, the only trotter info on the internet. I think it is Spanglish. lol
Thanks for the explanation Wendy.........gotta go, time to change my avatar, ha ha.