High Everyone!!!

Hello friends, I want to thank everyone for the encouragement and advice. I had to go yesterday so i couldn't write back so THANX ALOT it all helped . I decided that I am going to try to wean myself down from the darvocet. Maybe with my wife's help I can go down to 3 a day. Please pray for me that God will have mercy on me and see my heart in this matter. If the pain after that is too much than I guess I go from there but one step at a time I guess.
Besides that how is everyone?
Good luck Wens! Hope it goes well for you. Take care, love, Kat
I wish you the best of luck ! You are taking the right steps. Are you going to
hold the Meds.? If you are it may be a good idea to give them to your wife, it
will make the temptation a lot less. I know you can do this, just focus on your recovery that is the most important thing right now . CONRATS to you !!!

Keep posting and you get lot's of help here.
Thank you guys . my step daughter is at the hospital getting her tonsils taken out so I'm going to see her I'll see you guys later. Please pray for her too
user posted image
and good luck.

Wense...........Good decision! I wish you the best and will pray for you both!!!
just got back and my step daughter is fine. oh Marina,,, I talked to my wife she is going to be holding on to my pills to help me go from 8-9 aday down to 3 . Is that too much too fast?
Wenses, I would do a slow taper, how many days before you get down to three? I think I would drop one pill every 3-4 days, if not a week.
Others here are good at tapering, I wasn't, but I know they do a slow taper. Slow and steady wins the race, dont rush

Good luck and prayers to you wenses! Don't drink your daughter's codeine when she's out of the hospital!
addict mom, hahahaha man I guess I really didn't think about that but the enemy comes in so many ways so thanks for the warning.
JohnDee, Well the thing is, that is how many pills I have left so what can I do?
I DID the codeine thing when my kids had their tonsils out, so I thought I'd give you a heads up!!!