Well, we just got done opening some gifts with our daughter and for all you parents I have a question. Do you think Christmas is just so cool being a parent? I think it is so awesome! I love to watch her face light up when she gets that first look at our tree on Christmas morning. All the excitement thatis in the room coming from a 3 three year child. This is my second Christmas without pills and I am so happy!
Merry Christmas to you Marina! I am not a parent, but I can still remember the joy I felt getting that first look at the tree. I am sure it is as rewarding on the parent's side. Hope you have a great day. Love, Atlas
Hi Marina, this is my first christmas without pills and it feels wonderful. Jan 7 will be 10 months. I have been able to do so much more than i imagined, my job reached heights i could have never thought possible if i was still using. i had always thought i was so productive when i took pills, looking back what a illusion i had!! when i used everything was a big deal, now i am able to let alot of issues just go. Its great hearing your experience with your child this christmas