My husband is coming home from rehab tomorrow and I am scared to husband admitted to me 30 days ago that he was addicted to crack for the past year, he had been snorting for the past 7 years. We have 2 beautiful boys, 2 and 4 months old. My husbands behavior had been very bizzarre for awhile and I finally had it. I gave him one last chance and he blew it so I kicked him out, that was his low. He came to me and asked for help. I love my husband so much and will support him. The problem that I have is he has been in such a sterile enviroment, he has really given in to his higher power and has had a breakthrough. My husband was a very arrogant man, this experience has humbled him. He goes to meetings and is working the steps. Since he has been gone I have had his cell phone. The dealers are just plain idiots, they lost an income and some are pretty mad about it, one of them asked if I was interested in getting some...I have kindly asked them to stop calling but they are relentless. The same goes for some of his friends they tell me that my husband doesn't have a problem he just got a little confused because they partied for a few days he wasn't thinking straight. My husband is a highly educated man, I do not believe he was confused. How do I keep my husband on track??? I am so afraid that he will go back to these people. They say they will not leave us alone, my husband was always doing things for them, lending money, helping move among many other things. We need him more than they do, I feel like I have the man back that I fell in love with 10 years ago, what can I do to make sure he doesn't relapse. I can't go through this again...emotionally and financially. Is it bad to tell him he doesn't get a second chance???? any advice would be so greatly appreciated
Wow, just wanted to say I will be thinking of you and your family. I have never been married, so I don't know what you are going through, but you know what you have to do. Let him work his program but pay attention, you will know if he is using again. I wish you luck and keep us posted. Oh yeah, you might want to change your cell phone number.
Please remember no rehab has kept any addict clean. I feel 30 days in a rehab is a holiday. In rehab they are given tools, and when they leave the rehab and enter the normal world these tools will be used to help them stay clean. Also now is the big test. Rehab is a fantasy world, it's not real. Where you are standing thats real.
Now, if he does what he has been told and uses those tools, he will stay clean if not he will just pick up where he left.
Protect yourself, you cannot fix. Only he can, do not do for him what he can do for himself.
Take care of YOU.