Not sure if I got the spelling right... but my brother in law has been taking this pain killer for some time and things have begun to get ugly. He and his wife have been fighting constantly to the point of battering each other. She drinks and he takes these painkillers...he also pops xanax for anxiety.
They are apparently having knock-down drag out fights and this latest fight was broken up by their 17 year old son.
There is blame being placed on both ends...and at first I sympathized with BIL. He has been married to a very controlling woman for 20 years and I could see why he would develop a drug habit. But now its out of control.
We are trying to help him from 1500 miles away and its difficult at best. We want him to come and stay with us so that he can get help for these drugs plus give him distance from his wife.
He stalls though and tells us that she will not let him come to see us. He said she controls everything he does. She says she does not and his problem is the pills..... she said when he doesnt get his pain pills he turns into a raging maniac.
At this point, I don't know what to believe....but we DO want to help him.... we're just not sure what to do. We think we might have to physically go to his house and drag him out otherwise he will just sit and do nothing. He doesnt work, they have no money, and very soon their house is going into foreclosure.
I would like to know if these pills do in fact turn a person into a raging maniac.
We're not sure what to do next.
Georgie- Hydro and Xanax are a BAD combination. It could kill him. Obviously, his environment is no help either. I'm sure it's hard from 1500 miles. You feel helpless. But, it's also up to him to want to get back on track. The Xanax is way worse than the Hydo, believe me. And when he stops, it's going to be a bumpy ride. Is this your husbands brother? He needs to speak with him and they both have to come to an agreement. My guess is your brother in law is afraid of losing his wife. But, as the rhyme says, better to lose a wife than to lose a life.
yes he's my husband's brother. Funny thing is he said he wants to leave his wife but guilt holds him back. He said he doesnt even love her but she is handicapped and he feels bad about it.
She is very clingy with him and always has been.
She is very clingy with him and always has been.
Maybe the guilt is an excuse? I know she has problems, but she should also understand he needs help. And if she is as A-OK as she says she is, she will let him come to you guys and detox, so he can get back on track. Then you get your brother in law back and she get's her husband back..but I honestly think the "guilt" thing is an excuse..your husband needs to have a real "heart to heart" with his brother..and figure out just what the heck is really going on know the old saying: The are 3 sides to a story. His, Hers and the truth..
my husband is also taking hydrocodone and they do make him crazy, especially if he doesn't have any or is getting close to running out. He gets really aggrevated for little or no reason. If he takes xanax, he goes out of his mind, literally, out of his mind! I'm sure his wife is partly to blame, but those drugs make him different from the brother that you all know. I don't have any advice as I am going through the same thing, but I know how terrible it is to want to help and not know what to do. I hope everything works out for you.
your brother is an addict. dont belive what he says. i live with one. he lies about everythink. i am always the bad one.