How Can I Get Myself To Accept Change?

I know what I need to do, and I want to change. But there is something in me that is not accepting that. And I don't understand.
I am fed up with how I destroy myself, but I'm tired.
today and just for today, pray for acceptance, that should be your primary focus right now, the rest will all come into play when you become honest, openminded and willing. (quoted from NA)
those 3 components really do work. it kept sticking in my head as that slogan keeps getting repeated and repeated at meetings
i really try to be honest, it makes ones self esteem so high, i was close minded to NA for so long anf unwilling too. but the pain and darkness of addiction brought me back to honesty, openmindedness and willingness,
try to practice those principles for today and if you believe in a power greater than yourself and believe that, you would be amazed at how my God has worked for me. jewels
wallja....I'm not exactly sure what you are talking about so I'm not sure what to say perhaps if you could tell us a little bit more about the situation you are referring to?

And listen to Jewls...pray for accecptance!