I have been taking loratab for along time now and i know i am addicted. I have also used crack, but i use loratab as an excuse not to use the crack. I have finally wore out all my options to get the loratab, and the withdrawl is hell!! I have even stolen my wife's MS pills (provigil) which is like an energy boost. I am out of control. Ihave been to rehab and halfway houses for crack, but this time it is loratab. If anyone has any suggestions please tell me!! I did not think i would crash like this.
Hey Kips,
Its kind of early, so u might not get as many responses right away. We all know the Wd's are hell, but I cant imagine there worse then detoxing from CRACK. People are going to ask you for more information about you addiction. Example.. how long have u been abusing pill,? how many u take a day?...weather u take them all day or all at once?... Feel free to open up on this forum..there are many great people here, that will offer help. Physical Wd's suck but they dont last more then 4-6 days. I never had a problem with them,,, its the days after the wd's, thats when the mental wd's kick in, and too me they are the worse. no longer can u run to a pill to "deal" (or not deal) with lifes problems. I wish u the best,,, stay here for awhile, your def amounst friends.
Its kind of early, so u might not get as many responses right away. We all know the Wd's are hell, but I cant imagine there worse then detoxing from CRACK. People are going to ask you for more information about you addiction. Example.. how long have u been abusing pill,? how many u take a day?...weather u take them all day or all at once?... Feel free to open up on this forum..there are many great people here, that will offer help. Physical Wd's suck but they dont last more then 4-6 days. I never had a problem with them,,, its the days after the wd's, thats when the mental wd's kick in, and too me they are the worse. no longer can u run to a pill to "deal" (or not deal) with lifes problems. I wish u the best,,, stay here for awhile, your def amounst friends.
Bottom line is your self medicating. Yes, Wd suck, opiates add that physical wd as well. You need to find out why and address it, and learn to live life on lifes terms. You do this though a few ways, there are programs that can teach you this, as well as therapy.
Bottom line is your self medicating. Yes, Wd suck, opiates add that physical wd as well. You need to find out why and address it, and learn to live life on lifes terms. You do this though a few ways, there are programs that can teach you this, as well as therapy.
Welcome to the board Kips
Tom is right.It doesn't matter if it's Lortab,Crack,Alcohol,Speed,etc.You're obviously an addict.We can't compartmentalize specific drug use. However, it really has nothing to do with the drugs themselves.It's about why we continously choose something to alter our reality.It's not going away either.
You can save yourself a lot of pain by surrendering.NA/AA are both free organizations that offer a 12 step program that addresses the issues you need to start dealing with.Addiction is not a moral issue.It's a spiritual,mental and physical disease.I'm sure when you were in Rehab these were mentioned.
You will have 3-4 days of flu like symptoms.It's not going to kill you.I went cold turkey off about 400+ mg. of oxycontin.
The good new is you never have to do it again.
Good Luck
Ihave been to rehab and halfway houses for crack, but this time it is loratab . If anyone has any suggestions please tell me!! I did not think i would crash like this. |
Tom is right.It doesn't matter if it's Lortab,Crack,Alcohol,Speed,etc.You're obviously an addict.We can't compartmentalize specific drug use. However, it really has nothing to do with the drugs themselves.It's about why we continously choose something to alter our reality.It's not going away either.
You can save yourself a lot of pain by surrendering.NA/AA are both free organizations that offer a 12 step program that addresses the issues you need to start dealing with.Addiction is not a moral issue.It's a spiritual,mental and physical disease.I'm sure when you were in Rehab these were mentioned.
You will have 3-4 days of flu like symptoms.It's not going to kill you.I went cold turkey off about 400+ mg. of oxycontin.
The good new is you never have to do it again.
Good Luck
Welcome to the board.
Without knowing how much lortab you take in a day, or for how long you've been abusing -- since you've been to rehab before for crack, would you consider going again to get out from under the opiates?
It sounds like you've been battling addiction for a long time, just switching drugs of choice. Have you considered going to therapy?
Welcome to the board.
Without knowing how much lortab you take in a day, or for how long you've been abusing -- since you've been to rehab before for crack, would you consider going again to get out from under the opiates?
It sounds like you've been battling addiction for a long time, just switching drugs of choice. Have you considered going to therapy?
My best advice is to do something, put up a fight do not just accept that this is you and how you live. Think of the person you want to be then make one step towards being the different person. That step could be any one of the things suggested by Tim, Tom, or Gina. But you have to try! Don't give up. One good thing you have already done is posting here. Reading a learning about addiction and seeing that you are an addict is a good choice. Now deciding what one thing you are going to do will be your other. Keep posting and comming back.
Welcome to the board, glad you found us. Obviously since you have been to treatment and half way houses, you must know about NA/AA and 12 step programs...get your butt back into one. The withdrawal won't last forever and you can get your life back but you have to work at it. Get to the bottom of why you self-medicate, it's the best way to beat this.
You are an addict. You self medicate with whatever is easier or more convenient. Time to get real!
Do you want to live the way you have been? You know the drill....time to come clean and get honest with your wife your doctors and anyone that means anything to you.
You will go through w/d and it sucks....but you won't die from it. Getting clean is the first step, you need to go to meetings AA/NA and or private counselling and therapy. When you just abstain from using you run the risk of relapse because you haven't addressed the spiritual issues.
I wish you all the luck in the world...why don't you come back and let us know how things are going. There are a lot of otc medicines that will aid you in your detox. Come back and I will tell you what they are.
Do you want to live the way you have been? You know the drill....time to come clean and get honest with your wife your doctors and anyone that means anything to you.
You will go through w/d and it sucks....but you won't die from it. Getting clean is the first step, you need to go to meetings AA/NA and or private counselling and therapy. When you just abstain from using you run the risk of relapse because you haven't addressed the spiritual issues.
I wish you all the luck in the world...why don't you come back and let us know how things are going. There are a lot of otc medicines that will aid you in your detox. Come back and I will tell you what they are.
This is how I finally came to realize that a drug is a drug is a drug. You hear all this bad s*** about meth right. Well its true. If your out there looking for that best high. Try meth. I was addicted to heroin for 2 years and thought nothing could be better. I tried meth 5 days ago, smoked straight for 5 days, realized that this is the only high I will ever want... but what goes along with it is death, looking like s***, its so cheap and gets you so high for so long, so high you dont know your high.. theres no peak, its not euphoric, theres nothing like it, you get so addicted that its all youll ever want. I realized that yesterday, I broke my pipe and threw away 20 dollars worth of dope I was so high... if I got so high that I threw away dope.. that must mean something, its so fun that its not fun at all. Your willing to give money to something that makes you throw it right back away. Never thought I'd say to myself "you cant handle this" cause I could handle any drug just fine.. for atleast a couple months before I had to move on. Ive tried everything, everything... and if meth is the best and the only one I want from now on, I know if I take a hit of weed I'll go get meth.. all I'm saying is if you care about your life, and yourself, and your trying to kick coke, crack, pills, heroin, or if your just looking for the best high out there.. see how twacked out and f***ed up your life gets QUICK on meth. It will make you want to never touch drugs again. I am the biggest drug addict I know at my age from Ellensburg - North Bend - Maple Valley.. people thought I'd never stop, or I would die, or end up in prison. Well, not anymore.. you go to treatment and they diagnose you as "chemically dependent"... only 10 percent really are. If you really have a problem with your life cause of drugs, and you actually care about someone or something, its kinda f***ed up advice but seriously a couple days on meth will make you never want to do anything again cause thats all youll want ever again, and it seriously is so fun that its NOT fun. I went through four lighters in an hour trying to take resin hits, I got a huge blister on my thumb... fives days in, imagine 10 or 20.... now I gotta say this, there are those who arent "chemically dependent" they can handle the s*** till they get rolled on by the police.. but if you really need s*** to get along with your self, meth will change your mind on that, you dont need s***. You just need to find a schedule of something to do 5 days out of the week, and look forward to something positive, find a hobby, drugs for "us" are only gonna kill ourselves, our loved ones, and everything we ever dreamed of. If you know that your one of "us" and arent really addicted to that "one" high.. and think that you can handle it just fine, supplying your habit with a job, and keeping on with the destruction.... dont go out and try meth if you arent willing to be honest with yourself... I would f*** you over, but if like I said, you think you need drugs to live, try it.. youll realize you need drugs to die...quick and fast. Sorry if this offended anyone, Im just finally happy that I dont want anything anymore cause the only thing I want is the most f***ed up thing I've ever done.. I still got high and passed uas cause coke and pills and heroin dont stay in your system for more than 3 days, Im on probation, meth only stays in 3 too... but the cool thing about that is... you wont be able to stop 3 days before it if your really one of "us". I think it will finally get you people that want to be high so bad, not wanting to be high anymore. I seriously never thought this day would come. I want to actually get clean off everything now, forever.. I was plannin on drinkin as an old man but I cant, Im "chemically dependent" dependent on chemicals, and for the few that I know who actually are dependent, they look for the best high they can get.. and stay with it till they find something better.. my opinion, coming from someone who hates stimulants, meth is the best. Its the best at getting you hooked, keeping you high, keeping money in your wallet, and the best at f***ing your life up quicker than s*** and making you realize that I cant get high anymore, cause I guarentee you will get hooked worse than anything else. My homie who smoked crack tuff for 3 years straight, went to jail for 6 months, I thought hed come out and not wanna get high again, didnt want to get high, but someone had some meth and he figured "f***, ill try it" 2 days later hes shooting up, hes gonna die... you can take this and go experiment with death, but I'd really just like it if you got the picture that you cant handle s*** its gonna f*** you in the end. I took my last hit over 24 hours ago, Im still on the s***, its not fun annoying the hell out of people, and typing essays about "go and try meth, youll never want to do drugs again" WHY DID I WRITE THIS? THIS WAS f***ING STUPID. IF YOU DO GO AND DO IT, PLEASE JUST REALIZE IF YOU DONT DO WHAT I DID BY THROWIN THE DOPE OUT AND BREAKING THE PIPE THE MINUTE YOU REALIZE THIS IS ALL YOULL EVER WANT.. CAUSE YOU WILL.. JUST KNOW THAT I WARNED YOU, IT WILL CHANGE YOU IF YOU CAN REALIZE WHAT THE BIG PICTURE IS.... YOU SAVING YOUR LIFE. IT SAVED MINE, MAYBE IM A ONE IN A MILLION, BUT CHECK IT IM OUT I MIGHT OF KILLED SOMEOENE
Good luck Spencer. You got a gorilla on ur back. Seek help. Best wishes