I think my brother is an alcoholic, as well as addicted to other drugs and I don't know how to help. It has been going on for a while, but last night he came home very roughed up saying he got jumped. He was in pretty bad shape and when my mom and I tried to talk to him he was talking about how he hated his life and he wanted us to shoot him and put him out of his misery. He tried to call his friends and have them take him back to fight the people again. They came over and he went out for a little while but cam back later.
I want to help him but I don't know what to do. Can you please give me some advice and guidance?
Ask your brother if he's willing to get help. If not, there isn't much you can do. Ask yourself several questions. Is he disruptive to the family with his drinking? If so, what is your mother willing to do about it? If in fact he is alcoholic, is disruptive, and we say or do nothing, we give the person the message that what they are doing is ok. If he is underage, your mother can set a boundary with his drinking and insist on treatment if he doesn't comply with the conditions.
The more we allow the alcoholic to suffer the consequences of their behavior, the more pain they will experience and the more willing they become to seek help. We don't cause the alcoholic to suffer, they do it to themselves. The more we resue them, the more we harm them and ourselves. We can't help someone who doesn't want help. Consider going to some Alanon meetings in your area.
Something to consider -
We didn't cause it
We can't control it
We can't cure it.
Keep us posted on how it's going.
With care,
Ask your brother if he's willing to get help. If not, there isn't much you can do. Ask yourself several questions. Is he disruptive to the family with his drinking? If so, what is your mother willing to do about it? If in fact he is alcoholic, is disruptive, and we say or do nothing, we give the person the message that what they are doing is ok. If he is underage, your mother can set a boundary with his drinking and insist on treatment if he doesn't comply with the conditions.
The more we allow the alcoholic to suffer the consequences of their behavior, the more pain they will experience and the more willing they become to seek help. We don't cause the alcoholic to suffer, they do it to themselves. The more we resue them, the more we harm them and ourselves. We can't help someone who doesn't want help. Consider going to some Alanon meetings in your area.
Something to consider -
We didn't cause it
We can't control it
We can't cure it.
Keep us posted on how it's going.
With care,