How Do I Help My Husband Deal With Oxy Addiction

My husband was addicted to Oxy's and went on Methadone for 3 yrs. He finally got off Methadone and now here we go 6months later. He got sick and was hurting and his doc gave him Oxy's. His doc didnt know hes prior addiction..

I asked him if he was gonna get addicted to these he said NO.. Duh i was dumb. He said they were a low mg so he would be fine.. Well now he took all the RX and needs more.. Here we freaking go all over again.> ALL I want to do is LEAVE him.. WHat do i do.. We have children and all he does is sleep the day way.. What do I do??

How can I help him??

Will this go on forever??

Hi lost
I understand where you are at my husband of 6 months has been hooked on lortabs for about 8 years I just found out about 3 weeks ago. I am not sure how to help him either all I know is that I will support him through whatever it takes, I am not sure if I should leave him until he decides or if tough love will work well god bless and good luck my heart and prayers are with you
What state are you in? I just found out about a clinic in WA. at Swedish Hosp.. Getting ready to go detox. I never thought I would be in this mess. My problem started with an automobile accident, I was in a lot of pain and they prescribed me pain pills and more pain pills, the addiction just snuck-up on me. Does your husband work or has he lost himself completely to these pills? If you aren't in WA. state I have to believe there is a clinic somewhat close to you that works with opiate addiction like the one I will be going to. They use a drug called suboxone or something similar that is supposed to help tremendously with the withdrawls, which is what keeps your husband taking, or a big part of the reason he keeps taking the pills. He doesn't want to go through all that pain and sleepless nights, not to mention the moodswings and bitterness, add to that kids that don't understand why Daddy is so angry and maybe even you that might think, it can't be that bad just stop taking them. That's what my husband has said to me until he read this web page. Get him in one of these clinics and get your man and your kids Dad back. Please keep me posted. I'm sure you can find help and info re. a clinic in your area through all our friends here. That's how I found out. If he's READY for help that's a big step. I will be praying for you and your family. Please stay in touch and I will in return let you know how the program works for me.
well i started just like him and all these people taking lortab and stuff like that cant even fathom what we can feel with oxycontins. i am on meth now due to oxys which led up to heroin....heroin is stronger but oxy felt much better so i can tell u right now that if i went off meth i would love to be on oxy again...its heaven on i dont think stopping will be in his min right now...if he just started up again he will want to live it up for a bit. the only things u can do is get him in a detox with bupronex or get on a dosage of meth that will block the oxy but low enough that he wont sleep all day. its tough to fix but its not going to go away and most likely will go on forever i hate to tell u. i have been on meth for a year and i know if i went off i will cont the mins till i can use oxy again....and all these people with advice about other dugs dont know what its like until they crush up oxys and snort them. im sory but it depends on how much u love him....if ur not totelly there then u know what u should do. sorry