My wife has an addiction to Fioricet, Soma, avariety of anti depressants and pain meds. We are divorcing because I can't live with her at this point. She used to be a very loving and caring person, but has become hateful, self centered and very decietful.
She suffers from migraine headaches, but after years of treatment and a multitude of tests and different diagnosis, there has been NO physical reason found for her headaches.
She doctor hops and goes to the Emergency Room for injections of anything from Imitrex or Toradol to various narcotics. One injection almost never gives her relief, and she asks for more medicine before leaving. She uses up 30 days of prescription drugs in 15-20 days. She has used my medications for pain relief ( after surgery on my hands) to medicate her self, and I also have suspicions that she may be using street drugs when she can't get her prescription filled.
She now lives in another state with my kids, so my question is this: How do I get my kids to be aware of the signs that she may be high? They are 10, 13 and 15 years old, and don't realize what their mother is doing to herself, and how it may affect them. She has refused to talk with counselors, and denies that she has a problem. I don't have the money to fight for custody, so I must rely on trying to educate my children to the dangers, and hope that someday her abuse will come to the forefront and she will get the help she so desprately needs.
Any info that someone has, or experience in dealing with things of this nature will be greatly appreciated. Thanks and God Bless
If you are ready willing and able to care for your kids and truly help her, report her to the DYFS in her state. You can do it annonymously if you want.
It may save her life.
In the very least, it will get these very impressionable young children out of that home if she is an addict.
Make sure the agency knows that you are willing to take temporary custody of your kids.
It may save her life.
In the very least, it will get these very impressionable young children out of that home if she is an addict.
Make sure the agency knows that you are willing to take temporary custody of your kids.
I hear ya, I know just what your going thru except Im the wife in this situation and my husband's addicted to lortabs.....from 2 previous back surgeries....if you have time read my post under "Hubby's Lortab Addiction" Bama_redhead39, I am at the same point, I am ready to divorce my husband because he will not seek help, he just keeps on and on, we are broke, he is taking away from my children, what right does have to spend 500.00 a week when his perscription runs out and take away from his family? My kids are 9, 11, and 17 and the stress this poses on me is affecting them......What are we to do? Im sick of his hatefullness also, thinks he does no wrong.......Well if you have anymore words of wisdom let me know, but I do think you ought to get the kids, because they will catch on eventually, I don't understand how she supports them with the habbit, it's hard doing what I do now, and I'm still married, Im sick of making excuses of why my bills are late....IT'S BECAUSE OF HIM!!!!!!!Thanks for listening, good luck with your situation
Thanks Bama and 1970Baby,
I wish I could get the kids, unfortunately it all hinges on how much money I can afford to pay a damn attorney. I think it's pitiful that the courts are NOT concerned about the safety of children. Everything hinges on how much money I can come up with. I'm stinkin' broke!!!!!
My wife has moved in with her folks in another state, and her mother is an alcoholic!!! That is also something that the family fails to recognize. There are a multitude of other factors behind her abuse, which I won't get into here. I can't live that way anymore, and so ....I won't.
As far as contacting DYFS in Colorado, I have tried, and either gotten no reply to e-mails or no reply to phone messages. I will keep trying, however. I have several relatives in Law Enforcement, and they all tell me that I can't do anything without documentation. I can't even get the process started. They are staying in touch with the PD in the town where she lives, and will inform me of any developments. Unfortunately, they can't really do anything, because it may be construed as harrassment.
Trust me when I say that your husband will have to hit bottom. And I mean very hard. You MUST set limits on how he can treat you. Don't get mad or at least don't let it show. Tell him that you will not accept his behavior any longer. Tell him it is out of love for him that you are doing it, but DO NOT give in. It may be the hardest thing you ever do, but IF your husband is willing, it will possibly be the most rewarding thing also.
If the situation becomes violent, have an escape plan that he won't figure out. Protect yourself and your kids above all. You can't release him from his demons. Only he can. Remember.... You DO matter. I will pray for you, and ask God to give you strength.
I wish I could get the kids, unfortunately it all hinges on how much money I can afford to pay a damn attorney. I think it's pitiful that the courts are NOT concerned about the safety of children. Everything hinges on how much money I can come up with. I'm stinkin' broke!!!!!
My wife has moved in with her folks in another state, and her mother is an alcoholic!!! That is also something that the family fails to recognize. There are a multitude of other factors behind her abuse, which I won't get into here. I can't live that way anymore, and so ....I won't.
As far as contacting DYFS in Colorado, I have tried, and either gotten no reply to e-mails or no reply to phone messages. I will keep trying, however. I have several relatives in Law Enforcement, and they all tell me that I can't do anything without documentation. I can't even get the process started. They are staying in touch with the PD in the town where she lives, and will inform me of any developments. Unfortunately, they can't really do anything, because it may be construed as harrassment.
Trust me when I say that your husband will have to hit bottom. And I mean very hard. You MUST set limits on how he can treat you. Don't get mad or at least don't let it show. Tell him that you will not accept his behavior any longer. Tell him it is out of love for him that you are doing it, but DO NOT give in. It may be the hardest thing you ever do, but IF your husband is willing, it will possibly be the most rewarding thing also.
If the situation becomes violent, have an escape plan that he won't figure out. Protect yourself and your kids above all. You can't release him from his demons. Only he can. Remember.... You DO matter. I will pray for you, and ask God to give you strength.