How Do I Help The Child Of An Addict?

My step-son's mother is a prescription drug addict...and could potentially have other addiction issues as well. We will be taking parental rights away from her because she is in such denial. I'm looking for suggestions as to how his dad and I can give him the support that he needs....but know that it will not be easy as he is going to see us as the bad guys for "taking him away" from mom.

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi I'm mj my 16 yr old started to go to therapy by her own choice,it seems she really enjoys being able to talk to someone outside her family.She knows about my addiction as I've always been open with my girls.Also she attends aa meetings with her boyfriend and his family.His family has been clean 10 or more.It helps her understand the hows of addiction.Have you talked to your stepson about seeing someone....mj
Thanks for the reply MJ. My step-son is only 10...not that he can't ask for help...but his mom has portrayed...and in hindsight, we have enabled her to portray the "everthing is OK" message that I am sure we have a long road ahead of us. I work in the mental health field and I guess in many ways I know the answer to my own questions....I guess what I am looking for is reassurance that we are doing the right thing.....and also possibly specifics on what helped others in similar situations. My plan..and my husband's to get him whatever help he needs. We'll just have to take it one day at a time. But I suppose....that's the only way we CAN take it.