How Do I Know

how can i find out if if my boyfriend is using drugs?please tell me.please!
What kind of drugs do you suspect he is using?
Confront him. If he's lying to you- well... he's lying to you. Your boyfriend may not be honest about his drug problem if he has one but if he's lying to your face then he's... well, lying to you. Don't put up with that. If he says he is... then you'll know.

This may not be a lot of help but I can't think of another way that doesn't go into sneaking around his room while he's in the bathroom. You better be a quick thinker if he catches you. Then he will have reason not to trust you.

So when it comes down to it - a healthy relationship needs trust. If you don't have trust then you gotta problem and it can stress you out.

Good luck
Hey Haley,
You never know....and the worry, frustration and pain you put yourself through trying to figure out the answers eats you up. The feelings will consume you.....I know, I have been taken over by them before.
Just step back...if you really want an answer all you have to do is ask. It really is as simple as that. It will be up to him, to give the answers......Sometimes no matter what the answer though it still doesn't bring with it peace.
I wish you well, and I hope that you get the answers you are searching for.
Take care,
what makes you think he is using ? what are his behaviors ?