I just want to know what is the first thing you should say and do for someone who is on crack? Is there a way to talk to him without making him feel like you are telling him to give it up? He is a loner and does not like anyone around, but I am afraid he is going to shut everyone out and keep doing the drug.
What is the best way to approach an addict at first? Anyone have any suggestions? He is a guy I've been dating on and off, but has relapsed into his crack addiction, and is in a financial crisis.
I appreciate the help!!! Thanks!
dependent upon te strength of your relationship i suppose, not everyones the same...best to i would have thought plan what you are going to say and let him know that you want to help him... difficult one without knowing the circumstanecs
We just dated for a while, nothing serious, because he told me he could not be a good boyfriend. He was clean and sober for two years until recently.
Do the addicts have a tendency to be irritable, or violent? I have never dealt with anyone on drugs, so I am trying to get an idea. What are some of your experiences?
Do the addicts have a tendency to be irritable, or violent? I have never dealt with anyone on drugs, so I am trying to get an idea. What are some of your experiences?
i am an ex coke user....i was never violent, but some can be especially when coming down or if they cant get any....i am reallly sorry but its a realy difficult one as everyone is different, there isnt one type 'crack head' etc... has he been violent before? people can be violent without drugs .... sorry that im not eally helping here
You say you have been dating on and off. For your sake, call it off definitely. Let him deal with his problem. You don't have to in the present state of your relationship.
In some of us, who are co-dependent, it is really hard to give up helping someone. I have learned that most crackheads don't think they have a problem. They think everyone else has the problem. Bottom line is....they have to want to quit themselves. All the begging and pleading in the world will get you absolutely no where. If you try to get them off the drugs, and they aren't ready, you'll be lucky if you see them again. I pray that God will give me guidance. I pray for my family to get off drugs. I tell my grandchildren to pray for their parents. I tell myself that the monsters I'm dealing with are not my "real" children. I'm dealing with their addiction. I just wish they would deal with their addiction. Pray..it helps.
I was thinking there might be a way to figure out why they got addicted in the first place. They needed something that they were missing. They seem to be looking for a way to be happy. It's just very sad. I've never dealt with this before, I definately pray for this individual. I don't want him to die.
Don't try to figure out the "why's"and "wherefore's". You will be taking yourself out of the "Here and Now". This is where the problem is occuring, not in the past or future.
Tell him you will support him if he goes to rehab or join a 12-Steps group. Read the litterature those groups have to offer(a lot of it is free). Try joining a Co-Anon or Al-Anon group yourself. It doesn't matter if the problem sprout from drug use or alcoholism, it's all the same disease. You can just go to an Al-Anon meeting and pick up some litterature for yourself without actually attending the meeting.
Tell him you will support him if he goes to rehab or join a 12-Steps group. Read the litterature those groups have to offer(a lot of it is free). Try joining a Co-Anon or Al-Anon group yourself. It doesn't matter if the problem sprout from drug use or alcoholism, it's all the same disease. You can just go to an Al-Anon meeting and pick up some litterature for yourself without actually attending the meeting.