Watching someone kill themselves with ice is hard. My ex boyfriend and I were together for 4 years but dope took everything away. Then eventually it broke us up. He got out of jail in January saying he was gonna do good. We didn't get back together but we spend alot of time together. Of course I know all the signs, he tries to lie but I know better. I love him so much and I would do anything in the world for him, but I can't make him quit. I am watching him kill himself and it is breaking my heart. Is there anyone who can help me help him? He has been busted 4 times in 2 years and is facing charges again. When I do find it he gets violent and i flush it. I don't want to see him spend the rest of his life in jail or die an early death. I would move heaven and earth for this man. But it is as though he don't care. All he can say is i don't give a f**k. It makes me cry. He is hurting is family he actually admits he has a problem, but that is as far as he has gone. What can I do? I have offered to go to NA with him, take him to a hospital. I don't want to turn my back on him, but he gets too mean and he has no one else who will be there for him. Anyone who can offer advice I would love to talk to you there is much more to the story. Thank you
I know how you feel - my husband was an alcoholic - i tried to get him help - he couldnt hack it - eventually his addiction killed him due to siezures -
I think you are holding on to a smoking gun - he does not seem to want help - maybe he hasnt fallen down far enoug - all drugs get to you someway in the end where you realise that you need help - it gets to some faster than others - some have to go through much humiliation, pain and suffering to realise what they are doing to themselves and their loved ones -
keep posting and more people will come here and give you adivice - sometimes im not the best at giving advice - like your boyfried - i need to be able to take advice - i began to realise the damage i was doing to myself and my family - and got on this board to seek help - so many good people here - you will get lots of help.
lots of love - and good luck
I know how you feel - my husband was an alcoholic - i tried to get him help - he couldnt hack it - eventually his addiction killed him due to siezures -
I think you are holding on to a smoking gun - he does not seem to want help - maybe he hasnt fallen down far enoug - all drugs get to you someway in the end where you realise that you need help - it gets to some faster than others - some have to go through much humiliation, pain and suffering to realise what they are doing to themselves and their loved ones -
keep posting and more people will come here and give you adivice - sometimes im not the best at giving advice - like your boyfried - i need to be able to take advice - i began to realise the damage i was doing to myself and my family - and got on this board to seek help - so many good people here - you will get lots of help.
lots of love - and good luck
dmatt03 I here what you're saying and am going throush soemthing very similiar. The difference is I have 2 children with this man and his drug of choice is speed I beleive. I don't know what you call it but it's bad. He tells me his bones start hurting if he doesn't continue. He is also in and out of jail and he last got out in 02 in December. With the promise of change he moved in with me and the girls. We started having issues because he was making minimum wage and I was making almost 60k a year. He used that as an excuse to go back to his drug of choice and I didn't even know until he started getting violent and grabbing me in unvisible places where no one can see the bruises. It's only until my friend asked me if he was doing speed? I denied he would do that ever again but it was as simple as that. He is now living on his own and still coping with his addiction. He has friends who do it and sice we don't live together anymore we don't fight so he thinks it's a lot better. In my opinion they have to go cold turkey. He is currently facing charges as well again for testing dirty and he will be going back. He tells me he is scared and he needs me to get better but I ask myself and I ask you this. Can we be their savior?
dmatt03 I have beenin RECOVERY for a lil over 6 months
all I can tell you is "TAKE OFF YOUR GOD SUIT"
if you beleave, GOD will take care of it.
And defanately pray for him and so will I.
all I can tell you is "TAKE OFF YOUR GOD SUIT"
if you beleave, GOD will take care of it.
And defanately pray for him and so will I.
Hi Dmatt03! I am in similar situation as you but just like beemee, I also have 2 kids. My husband used to do it every week and was so violent. He was blaming me for everything and accusing me of bad things. I know how much you love this person and you probably feel guilty leaving him. Just like what everyone said, he heas to hit rock bottom. Only then he will realize that he needs to change. Eventhough you very much want the best for him, he's too blind to see it at this point. Keep assuring him that if needs help, you will be there to support him. I know that it can be frustrating.just keep on praying and I wish you the best.
Rollercoaster rider,
NA does not work for everyone, your advice has been the same in the last 10 posts I have read. There is not a 'one size fits all' answer. I tried NA and it didnt work for me, not to dis it or anything cause it works for many, but most people already know about NA etc. READ THE POST! Your advice should be a response to the questions asked, or at least relevant, it doesn't sound like you are trying to understand the writings at all. Pushin NA down everyones throat is not gonna cure them, try looking a bit deeper then your own experiences.
NA does not work for everyone, your advice has been the same in the last 10 posts I have read. There is not a 'one size fits all' answer. I tried NA and it didnt work for me, not to dis it or anything cause it works for many, but most people already know about NA etc. READ THE POST! Your advice should be a response to the questions asked, or at least relevant, it doesn't sound like you are trying to understand the writings at all. Pushin NA down everyones throat is not gonna cure them, try looking a bit deeper then your own experiences.
I am a recovering Ice addict. Let me tell you my husband was my biggest enabler and didn't even know it. I would tell him the same exact things: he didn't love me, he only wanted to hurt me, etc.... He would always flush my stuff down the toilet and I would go bilistic. It wasn't until I failed a drug test in court on a custody hearing against my ex-husband did he realise that there was nothing he could do to help me. He called the law on me when we got home from court and sent me to detox. On my 5th day of detox, the day I was supposed to go home, he informed me that I would have to do 90 days impatient or I didn't have a home to come back to. That was the best thing he could have ever done for me. I am 120 days clean and proud to be me!!! If you need any help feel free to email me
kimberly, I'm very proud of you. It takes a big and strong person to admit that you needed detox. I wish the very best for you. I don't use and have a hard time understanding but I love someone who is a user. I guess I'm very weak cause I
leave, come back, cry, beg,etc. He always says hes not using. I find broken light bulbs. opened ink pens. He makes me feel that i'm crazy. I will pray for you each day. May the lord and your family give you strength. You and your body deserve better.
Good luck
leave, come back, cry, beg,etc. He always says hes not using. I find broken light bulbs. opened ink pens. He makes me feel that i'm crazy. I will pray for you each day. May the lord and your family give you strength. You and your body deserve better.
Good luck