I am curious about how people here decide to use the board.
I started out posting on the Cocaine board in desperation and the mods moved me to the Family board. I got responses in both places, but lots more on Family. I 'met' some wonderful peeps there who were not only addicts themselves, but family members dealing with a variety of issues related to their own, or a family member's, addiction, be it to drugs or in a codependent kinda way. To my thinking, we are all here for more or less the same reasons...some are addicted to substances, some to their substance abusers.
Some of them were from the Heroin board, and others were from Alcohol...later I moved onto Pain Pills because of Tim, mostly...we talk gardening and I don't even know how it started (Hi, Tim!) I know Alice is a cross-boarder as are 24 Gordon, mistyeyes, and some others.
I have found much kinship on all the boards and my habit is to log on, click "View New Posts", and read everything that grabs my attention. At first it felt funny to venture off the Family board, but then I realized that there were some really desperate and sad sounding people all over. I couldn't bear that someone would come here feeling as desperate as I did and have no one, or very few, respond. Tonight was one of those nights...I read a post from yesterday written by a truly bottomed-out cocaine user...no one was there to reply and I imagined how I would have felt if I had not received the warm welcome and help I sought on my first time here.
Anyway, how do you all decide what to read, where to go, to whom to respond? Just wondering...
I usually stick to PP, but I always mean to check others. I really wish the Suboxone board was more active too.
Hey S....I stick to one board. I feel comfortable here and don't really read anywhere else. I used to go to the Heroin board because of some really wonderful addicts over there but stopped going? Not sure why. I guess it's just habit to post and read here. This is where I started out 5+ years ago. I for one, am so glad that you crossed over the boarder!
You know me, Mom....I'm dually addicted and spend most of my time on the Alcohol board and sometime on the PP board, I always read the Family board and post occasionally.....I'd have to say my home group is the Alcohol board, a bunch of us have been together for a long time now......
I read more than one but usually only post on the family board. When I first found this site it was the Pain Pill board I went to for quite awhile (was researching suboxone online and this site came up) before I even peeked at the family board, I didn't need help, my son did. So typical of a codie control freak :)
Lisa, I'm curious why you don't go over to the family board?
Interesting poll MnM...I'll share more of my thoughts on the subject on your thread at the family board.
Have a good night everyone,
Lisa, I'm curious why you don't go over to the family board?
Interesting poll MnM...I'll share more of my thoughts on the subject on your thread at the family board.
Have a good night everyone,
I totally can't resist....
I started posting on the marijuana board but forgot what I wanted to say.
Then I posted on the cocaine board but my fingers moved too fast to type.
Then I posted on the alcohol board but I started seeing double.
I really and seriously mean no offense and just wanted to inject a little humor into this evening. Actually I cross over and read a few other threads from time to time, but PPs are the best and most helpful threads for me.
Coincidentally, we pillheads are too often deceptively able to sound coherent, intelligent, and socially acceptable while under the influence. I believe that's part of the unusual difficulty of getting off PPs.
I started posting on the marijuana board but forgot what I wanted to say.
Then I posted on the cocaine board but my fingers moved too fast to type.
Then I posted on the alcohol board but I started seeing double.
I really and seriously mean no offense and just wanted to inject a little humor into this evening. Actually I cross over and read a few other threads from time to time, but PPs are the best and most helpful threads for me.
Coincidentally, we pillheads are too often deceptively able to sound coherent, intelligent, and socially acceptable while under the influence. I believe that's part of the unusual difficulty of getting off PPs.
I mostly stick with my home which is the PP section.I was posting a little on the Alcohol section but didn't find it very interesting,no offense Stacey.I always read your and Kat's threads.But if someone post on here that someone needs some feedback on another board and no one is replying to them,I will post.
This is definitely something I take seriously but I make F2F my first program.This is a great place to visit with friends I've made here and it's also an important way to get the mesage out.
Thanks,Mom.I too enjoy the shared fun we have.That's something I look forward too.I can get all the program stuff at the meetings so the levity here is refreshing.I think it also shows that we're not myoptic people.We all need to have other interest and hobbies.
This is definitely something I take seriously but I make F2F my first program.This is a great place to visit with friends I've made here and it's also an important way to get the mesage out.
Thanks,Mom.I too enjoy the shared fun we have.That's something I look forward too.I can get all the program stuff at the meetings so the levity here is refreshing.I think it also shows that we're not myoptic people.We all need to have other interest and hobbies.
You need another option ... although have no idea what it should be.
I feel most comfortable and always have on the pill board. Which does make sense, no family board when I got here, and this is were I landed and was so blessed to find so many wonderful people who reached out and taught me so much.
If I were to really look at me the family board well that is what it is and has some purpose and I am so grateful to more than a few there, especially those who showed over and over what I didn't want to become like...
I avoid the nicotine one ;), read the meth one and alcohol one with specific purpose ...
And the heroin board, there is something just so special there and over the years I couldn't help notice it has the least amount of frustration with those who are still using and or struggling ...
I feel most comfortable and always have on the pill board. Which does make sense, no family board when I got here, and this is were I landed and was so blessed to find so many wonderful people who reached out and taught me so much.
If I were to really look at me the family board well that is what it is and has some purpose and I am so grateful to more than a few there, especially those who showed over and over what I didn't want to become like...
I avoid the nicotine one ;), read the meth one and alcohol one with specific purpose ...
And the heroin board, there is something just so special there and over the years I couldn't help notice it has the least amount of frustration with those who are still using and or struggling ...
I don't know KerrBear...maybe a bad experience and feeling like the enemy. My problem, not thiers. There was a poster there who didn't like what I had to say and slammed me good for it. I think he was in a lot of pain and was just looking for a whipping boy. I happend to come at the right/wrong time. I should post over there though and read but I guess, my friends and comfort level is here. I never would have been able to put myself out there like I do here.
I didn't click on any of the options because I do something different. I go to the families board because that's the board I first found and those are the people who lifted me when I was so low and new to all this. And who challenged and yelled at me when I needed that too. I read the new posts and I read some old posts and about once a month I go back to some very old posts from Cynical and Tina and Bob B. Then I always go to the Heroin Board because that my blokes DOC and I love some of the people on there and it's chilled, there's never any arguing just mutual support and respect. And I post on both boards equally.
I didn't click on any of the options because I do something different. I go to the families board because that's the board I first found and those are the people who lifted me when I was so low and new to all this. And who challenged and yelled at me when I needed that too. I read the new posts and I read some old posts and about once a month I go back to some very old posts from Cynical and Tina and Bob B. Then I always go to the Heroin Board because that my blokes DOC and I love some of the people on there and it's chilled, there's never any arguing just mutual support and respect. And I post on both boards equally.
Thanks all for your responses. Jaz and Tina - I, too, love the H board folk...they have never been anything but kind and supportive to one another and to me...always understanding (without witholding bitter truths) when someone is still in active addiction. I have very special feelings for them. I noticed that no one on the formerly very active Family board had replied to my poll and it makes me a bit sad to see how few are visiting there lately.
A while back I posted there about something sort of important to me and had a few replies from the usual "Family" suspects, but none of them were from cross-boarders and then there was the thing last night with the Cocaine board and it made me curious about how people log on and look at posts. I could have used some input from others not usually on the Family board, so in the future I guess I can just pop onto my 'other' boards and ask people to read my post.
Lisa, I also found it interesting that all of your "It's Done" post was really a family-type issue, but it all stayed on PP. I think a lot of Family folks could have benefited from reading about your struggles with Jake and I'm not sure they look at PP...and I'm not sure why not. To each his own, I guess.
A while back I posted there about something sort of important to me and had a few replies from the usual "Family" suspects, but none of them were from cross-boarders and then there was the thing last night with the Cocaine board and it made me curious about how people log on and look at posts. I could have used some input from others not usually on the Family board, so in the future I guess I can just pop onto my 'other' boards and ask people to read my post.
Lisa, I also found it interesting that all of your "It's Done" post was really a family-type issue, but it all stayed on PP. I think a lot of Family folks could have benefited from reading about your struggles with Jake and I'm not sure they look at PP...and I'm not sure why not. To each his own, I guess.
In terms of Lisa's 'it's done' thread...
There are so many here on this board who have children that are or were in active addiction, some had children on sub like Lisa's son, also important are those with children that aren't effected by addiction ... there was a lot of good information in that thread.
Her thread belonged here just as it might have on the family board.
It seems normal for family member threads on the coke and meth board to be moved, rarely would that happen on this board, and or the heroin one, but then the later two are much more active and the threads gets responses.
There are so many here on this board who have children that are or were in active addiction, some had children on sub like Lisa's son, also important are those with children that aren't effected by addiction ... there was a lot of good information in that thread.
Her thread belonged here just as it might have on the family board.
It seems normal for family member threads on the coke and meth board to be moved, rarely would that happen on this board, and or the heroin one, but then the later two are much more active and the threads gets responses.
Well of course it belongs here, that was never in question, nor was the quantity or quality of the information in it...it helped me lots and many others expressed the same. It could have helped a lot of the Family peeps and I don't think they look here and I am wondering why.... In fact, they don't seem to be looking there much either. I saw this mother's heartbreak and fear and couldn't help but respond and it would not have mattered one bit on which board it was...but then again, I am very nosy ;-)
I always hope that the lack of activity on meth and coke doesn't leave floundering people feeling unheard as I don't know what I would have done if someone had not been there to lift me up. Maybe I am a chronic broken-winger.
I always hope that the lack of activity on meth and coke doesn't leave floundering people feeling unheard as I don't know what I would have done if someone had not been there to lift me up. Maybe I am a chronic broken-winger.
I did make a post on the family board about the "It's Done" thread but got no response? That thread has helped me more than any other thing written here. I value each and every one of you more than you'll ever know.
Really Lisa? No way! I didn't see it, but I sure looked for it on PP...it helped me to try to help you...sometimes it's all just in the writing.
And Tina, last post I meant to add that I agreed there needed to be another poll option, but I didn't know what it should be either...seemed like something was missing.
And Tina, last post I meant to add that I agreed there needed to be another poll option, but I didn't know what it should be either...seemed like something was missing.
Hi, MomNMore
I too felt there should be another option....because I ALWAYS check the Families forum but when time permits I go back and check on my friends on my first boards (the Pain Pills and Heroin ones because I learned my son was addicted to Pain Pills first and then learned he had gone Heroin and there was no Families forum at the time). I will forever be grateful to those people who helped me on ALL the boards....especially when I was most desperate. Desperate is a strong word but somehow it doesn't feel strong enough to describe how I was when I found this board! I post on ALL the boards I read if I feel I have something to contribute that might help someone....not just one forum as the option had written.
I'm with the 38% group. Nice poll.
I too felt there should be another option....because I ALWAYS check the Families forum but when time permits I go back and check on my friends on my first boards (the Pain Pills and Heroin ones because I learned my son was addicted to Pain Pills first and then learned he had gone Heroin and there was no Families forum at the time). I will forever be grateful to those people who helped me on ALL the boards....especially when I was most desperate. Desperate is a strong word but somehow it doesn't feel strong enough to describe how I was when I found this board! I post on ALL the boards I read if I feel I have something to contribute that might help someone....not just one forum as the option had written.
I'm with the 38% group. Nice poll.
Yep, I really did S. Not one person responded. I can go find which one and tell you.
Lisa! I totally believed you! Just surprised, though lately I'm not surprised at all, it's pretty quiet over there. Like I said, I sought out your thread on PP because it helped me through my own crap...now if only...aw, never mind, that's going to get me nowhere...you know what I mean...I could get fat eating my "if onlys"...
Hmmmm...'desperate'...try substituting 'frantic'...does that work any better?
Hmmmm...'desperate'...try substituting 'frantic'...does that work any better?
Frantic..that works for me. In more than one way.
What's with the "what if's"?
What's with the "what if's"?
Now "if only" my crap would turn into something better than crap...