1.Helps to challenge me to look at different ways to change my narrow minded view of the world.
2.Start changing the way I judge people.It's hard as hell to admit that I could be wrong.
3.Leaning how to pray for people I detest.This may be a lifelong journey.
4.Realizing that there may be other people[people's] whose problems overshadow mine.It can help me forget about the a****** who cut me off in traffic.
I hope today I can appreciate life God has given me.
I would appreciate your feed back.
Great Topic,
First let me say I currently do not attend meetings, with that said. This board plays a pivotal role in my NEW way of living.
1. I start each day NEW. I pray, I read the bible and then I come here. (Positive Action)
2. I read the insights, thoughts, feelings and emotions of people who share some common characteristics. ( It makes me feel less alone.)
3. I laugh.
4. I think.
5. I learn
And I look for the miracles, the GOD presence, Oh yeah it's here---you just got to poke around.
Oh yeah and it's free, than again the best things in life are!!!!!!!!
Merry Christmas.
First let me say I currently do not attend meetings, with that said. This board plays a pivotal role in my NEW way of living.
1. I start each day NEW. I pray, I read the bible and then I come here. (Positive Action)
2. I read the insights, thoughts, feelings and emotions of people who share some common characteristics. ( It makes me feel less alone.)
3. I laugh.
4. I think.
5. I learn
And I look for the miracles, the GOD presence, Oh yeah it's here---you just got to poke around.
Oh yeah and it's free, than again the best things in life are!!!!!!!!
Merry Christmas.
Joe,It all shows to me.I think you have a great attitude and it shows.You're upeat and it shows.You sound like part of the surfing clan.
Hi I'm Valarie from over yonder on the boozer board. :-)
~~Waving @ Tim~~ Merry Christmas Bud! :-)
I'm not in the program so I can't speak on that but I was I think 6 or 7 months sober when I came to these boards. I have met some really great people here. Being able to see other's points of view was huge for me. If they would only see it my way was my attitude for a long time. Admitting I could have it wrong was another huge one.
Sometimes when I get too wrapped up in my bubble world I come and read. Sometimes I don't post. It helps just to remember where I came from and to thank my HP for not ditching me after all the years I ignored her.
I too pray for people I want to open up a can of whoop a*s on. lol... That alone took some getting used to. To actually pray for them and mean it. I used to always think that God knew I didn't mean it. Well she did until I actually did mean it. (Yep my HP is a female) :-)
Anyway have a blessed and peaceful Christmas/Hanukkah everyone!
.Start changing the way I judge people.It's hard as hell to admit that I could be wrong. |
~~Waving @ Tim~~ Merry Christmas Bud! :-)
I'm not in the program so I can't speak on that but I was I think 6 or 7 months sober when I came to these boards. I have met some really great people here. Being able to see other's points of view was huge for me. If they would only see it my way was my attitude for a long time. Admitting I could have it wrong was another huge one.
Sometimes when I get too wrapped up in my bubble world I come and read. Sometimes I don't post. It helps just to remember where I came from and to thank my HP for not ditching me after all the years I ignored her.
I too pray for people I want to open up a can of whoop a*s on. lol... That alone took some getting used to. To actually pray for them and mean it. I used to always think that God knew I didn't mean it. Well she did until I actually did mean it. (Yep my HP is a female) :-)
Anyway have a blessed and peaceful Christmas/Hanukkah everyone!
Good way to put in Val.I lived there many years.LOL
I think the you are not alone stuck out the most.
Here also put so many different faces to addiction
This place has helped me make some sense of myself.
And others sharing made me realize where I needed to heal, and that it was ok to. Why we just carry such pain is beyond me now, looking back I think wtf how much time lost, how senseless and with no good reasonwell there is always a good reason and I am sure many might get that but only to become the next best excuse to self destruct.
This place also dispelled a lot of things. Although I am usually way outside the box, here helped me not to get to rigid to closed off and almost in being that way because it was when I first got here
Always made me think and there are still things that will never make sense but then you know it is nice to not need them tomaybe that is a sign of health.
Everyone have a safe and wonderful Christmas!
Here also put so many different faces to addiction
This place has helped me make some sense of myself.
And others sharing made me realize where I needed to heal, and that it was ok to. Why we just carry such pain is beyond me now, looking back I think wtf how much time lost, how senseless and with no good reasonwell there is always a good reason and I am sure many might get that but only to become the next best excuse to self destruct.
This place also dispelled a lot of things. Although I am usually way outside the box, here helped me not to get to rigid to closed off and almost in being that way because it was when I first got here
Always made me think and there are still things that will never make sense but then you know it is nice to not need them tomaybe that is a sign of health.
Everyone have a safe and wonderful Christmas!
Tina-You're about the most realistic person on here.I think it would be a gas to operate a business with
To give back what was so freely given to me and to be honest, I doubt if I could ever repay what I've received........I love all of you (((hugs)))
I first went to AA back in Dec '97 and hung out for about 6 weeks, took no suggestions and got cured until I picked up a pill habit at about 10mos clean & sober and proceeded to become a full blown addict. My disease is progressive and will take anything mind altering to suffice it's needs and keep me in the insanity.
I stumbled across this board almost 5 yrs ago when I was in the middle of vicodin withdrawls, I typed in vic withdrawls and this website was one of the listings (this is how my God works in my life) and I started reading....I felt that connection immediately and realized I wasn't alone, other people abused pills the way I did and the amounts I took and it still took me awhile before I was willing to do what the 12steppers on this site suggested but when I did, my whole world changed. I keep coming back to give back what you guys gave me, love, acceptance, direction and unity and a solution to live clean & sober.
As far as meetings, for me, it's home. It's my family and where my HP, God gives me the answers to my prayers and shows me how to live life on life's terms. It's where I met my sponsor who guided me through the 12 steps to find that Power Greater than myself that not only restored me to sanity, but has given me the tools to lead a purposeful life, full of love and helping others. Today I go to meetings to give back and to take what I need to live the life God had always intended me to have as long as I stay out of my own way....
Today I need all of you guys in order for me to be whole & complete and I am very grateful for all of you on this website, the ones who showed me the way with their actions & working their program and for the new ones who show up, beaten down, broken reaching out for help and watching as they "get it"....
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to all of us.
God bless,
I first went to AA back in Dec '97 and hung out for about 6 weeks, took no suggestions and got cured until I picked up a pill habit at about 10mos clean & sober and proceeded to become a full blown addict. My disease is progressive and will take anything mind altering to suffice it's needs and keep me in the insanity.
I stumbled across this board almost 5 yrs ago when I was in the middle of vicodin withdrawls, I typed in vic withdrawls and this website was one of the listings (this is how my God works in my life) and I started reading....I felt that connection immediately and realized I wasn't alone, other people abused pills the way I did and the amounts I took and it still took me awhile before I was willing to do what the 12steppers on this site suggested but when I did, my whole world changed. I keep coming back to give back what you guys gave me, love, acceptance, direction and unity and a solution to live clean & sober.
As far as meetings, for me, it's home. It's my family and where my HP, God gives me the answers to my prayers and shows me how to live life on life's terms. It's where I met my sponsor who guided me through the 12 steps to find that Power Greater than myself that not only restored me to sanity, but has given me the tools to lead a purposeful life, full of love and helping others. Today I go to meetings to give back and to take what I need to live the life God had always intended me to have as long as I stay out of my own way....
Today I need all of you guys in order for me to be whole & complete and I am very grateful for all of you on this website, the ones who showed me the way with their actions & working their program and for the new ones who show up, beaten down, broken reaching out for help and watching as they "get it"....
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to all of us.
God bless,
I'm new here and fall into the "broken down and beaten" category that Stacey talks about. This site has been a life line. A ray of hope in a very dark place. I look forward to a time when I can be on the giving end instead of just receiving. The one thing I can offer is a reminder to all of you doing so well of what a depressing hell active addiction and withdraws really are.
I can't add much more than what has already been said about meetings but I can add what this board has done for me.
I have found acceptance here. To feel surrounded by people who care has helped me stay clean and sober. I have made a few very good friends who I know will be in my life forever and I will be always grateful for that.
I have found acceptance here. To feel surrounded by people who care has helped me stay clean and sober. I have made a few very good friends who I know will be in my life forever and I will be always grateful for that.
This board has helped me in ways it wasn't intended for. I hung around here for years while still using. But I was still accepted...and cared for...and I felt loved. All of that by people I will most likely never meet in real life.
It's funny that I stopped in here tonight to see what's been going on. I needed to be reminded that I DO have more friends than I thought I did. I needed to be reminded that I will always have somewhere to go with my innermost thoughts...good and bad.
I stopped in here tonight because I've had an absolutely horrible 48 hours. I'm beaten down, stressed out, depressed, tired, sore, achy, and absolutely exhausted. So, while I should be in bed, I'm here.
I'm here because I needed to remember that I have friends. Friends that love me unconditionally. My oldest son has been a source of major stress to me on and off throughout his 18 year old life. But the other night brought back so many painful reminders. We got into an argument...and it turned physical. It was ugly. Very, very ugly.
And tonight I feel weak and exhausted. And vulnerable. Very, very vulnerable.
I'm reaching out here because I'm scared. I'm not just scared that I will get high, I'm scared that everything I've done over the last 18 years has been for nothing. I'm scared of what I think and how I feel sometimes...especially after what happened the other night.
I'm bruised, I'm torn apart, I'm heart broken.
I FORCED myself to do the little bit I've done to prepare for this holiday. I guess it wasn't enough. None of it mattered. It's been ruined. But it's pretty much all over for now.
So I stopped in to say Hi to my friends. That's how this board has helped me. I have a bigger circle of friends than I've ever had in my life.
It's funny that I stopped in here tonight to see what's been going on. I needed to be reminded that I DO have more friends than I thought I did. I needed to be reminded that I will always have somewhere to go with my innermost thoughts...good and bad.
I stopped in here tonight because I've had an absolutely horrible 48 hours. I'm beaten down, stressed out, depressed, tired, sore, achy, and absolutely exhausted. So, while I should be in bed, I'm here.
I'm here because I needed to remember that I have friends. Friends that love me unconditionally. My oldest son has been a source of major stress to me on and off throughout his 18 year old life. But the other night brought back so many painful reminders. We got into an argument...and it turned physical. It was ugly. Very, very ugly.
And tonight I feel weak and exhausted. And vulnerable. Very, very vulnerable.
I'm reaching out here because I'm scared. I'm not just scared that I will get high, I'm scared that everything I've done over the last 18 years has been for nothing. I'm scared of what I think and how I feel sometimes...especially after what happened the other night.
I'm bruised, I'm torn apart, I'm heart broken.
I FORCED myself to do the little bit I've done to prepare for this holiday. I guess it wasn't enough. None of it mattered. It's been ruined. But it's pretty much all over for now.
So I stopped in to say Hi to my friends. That's how this board has helped me. I have a bigger circle of friends than I've ever had in my life.
--->I'm bruised, I'm torn apart, I'm heart broken.
A bruised reed He will not break, (Isiah 42:3)
I know as any addict would how hard life can be. And I'm not sure of your spiritual beliefs.
But let's suppose for a minute there is a God and he was unable to lie, and he had the power to do ANYTHING.
Now let's suppose God had one message to give your right now, this Christmas.
He needed you to know just one thing.
One thing that could transform you, keep you moving forward. One line that had all the power you needed.
Now let's (me and you together) take a risk this Christmas and trust that the one line we needed, the one assurance we sought, the one great fear was addressed.
Now let's say it slowly and feel it and say I know only One thing is certain.
Get to a quiet place, alone you and The Power. and say....
A bruised reed He will not break.
A bruised reed He will not break, (Isiah 42:3)
I know as any addict would how hard life can be. And I'm not sure of your spiritual beliefs.
But let's suppose for a minute there is a God and he was unable to lie, and he had the power to do ANYTHING.
Now let's suppose God had one message to give your right now, this Christmas.
He needed you to know just one thing.
One thing that could transform you, keep you moving forward. One line that had all the power you needed.
Now let's (me and you together) take a risk this Christmas and trust that the one line we needed, the one assurance we sought, the one great fear was addressed.
Now let's say it slowly and feel it and say I know only One thing is certain.
Get to a quiet place, alone you and The Power. and say....
A bruised reed He will not break.
Well i dont do "meetings"but I do private therapy which works better for me.
But Ive been a member here for what...3-4 years now?Sometimes it feels as if Ive been a member alot longer.
But....This board was the first place I EVER admitted to myself & others that I have a drug problem
Its a place Ive learned compassion yet a no BS attitude.
A place where others werent scared to call my butt out
a place where Ive learned so much about opiates
A place I found a BEST FRIEND (who ill always be so thankful for (love ya J)
On a more selfish level....Its a place that if sometimes Im feeling sad Ill come & try to reach out to a new commer & try to help.THAT helps heal me so much too.
Its just a place I feel safe at
Happy Hoildays to all
Love mj
But Ive been a member here for what...3-4 years now?Sometimes it feels as if Ive been a member alot longer.
But....This board was the first place I EVER admitted to myself & others that I have a drug problem
Its a place Ive learned compassion yet a no BS attitude.
A place where others werent scared to call my butt out
a place where Ive learned so much about opiates
A place I found a BEST FRIEND (who ill always be so thankful for (love ya J)
On a more selfish level....Its a place that if sometimes Im feeling sad Ill come & try to reach out to a new commer & try to help.THAT helps heal me so much too.
Its just a place I feel safe at
Happy Hoildays to all
Love mj
this board helps me realize that imnot the only excitement-seeking addict who is searching as of right this minute for an escape. all I know for today that's my cravings are so unpredictable and one minute I'm my NA book and the next my mind is playing that all familiar game, long-forgotten phone numbers of using people jump into my brain, I look at my 3 year old's face and wonder why he isn't enough to make it all stop. I am my own worst enemy!!
This board offers a brighter day , a brighter minute. Im not driving right now, no car, no license, but I know that if I did, I would be at the nearest er-seeking.
But im home and safe and thoughts are just thoughts........so, thanks for listening!!
This board offers a brighter day , a brighter minute. Im not driving right now, no car, no license, but I know that if I did, I would be at the nearest er-seeking.
But im home and safe and thoughts are just thoughts........so, thanks for listening!!
Hi Tim,
So many great reasons already stated that I agree with here.
Boards are a great supplement to meetings and therapy.
It helps prevent isolation,because when isolated the addiction voice can get louder and louder......
I've learned and continue to learn about addictions,myself through others experiences and knowledge.
Boards keep fresh in my mind that to continue positive growth and change I need to grab the hands of those who came before me while pulling up those behind me who are ready to start their journey to freedom.
It's part of learning the importance of having a 'peopled' life in every avenue of life.
Thanks to Tim and all those who continue to post sharing their ESH with all.
So many great reasons already stated that I agree with here.
Boards are a great supplement to meetings and therapy.
It helps prevent isolation,because when isolated the addiction voice can get louder and louder......
I've learned and continue to learn about addictions,myself through others experiences and knowledge.
Boards keep fresh in my mind that to continue positive growth and change I need to grab the hands of those who came before me while pulling up those behind me who are ready to start their journey to freedom.
It's part of learning the importance of having a 'peopled' life in every avenue of life.
Thanks to Tim and all those who continue to post sharing their ESH with all.
Beautiull Joe.It's amazing how the least verbose reponses knock me out.I wish life would be that simple.We can't and never will be.
[quote]chanpaiegnecola[quote/]........name rocks1
[quote]chanpaiegnecola[quote/]........name rocks1
Well....first and foremost the board and meetings let me know that I am not alone in this fight! I thought I was the only one in the world that suffered from addiction lol.
keep me accountable.....
teach me.....
allow me to share my feelings, concerns, and fears....
give me support....
show me the true meaning of fellowship....
allow me to be "me"....
allow me to laugh...
and makes me feel a part of a wonderful and caring community which has provided me with some awesome firendships!!
keep me accountable.....
teach me.....
allow me to share my feelings, concerns, and fears....
give me support....
show me the true meaning of fellowship....
allow me to be "me"....
allow me to laugh...
and makes me feel a part of a wonderful and caring community which has provided me with some awesome firendships!!