How Is Everybody?ot

How areyou all doing.Im down to maybe 2 days worth of sub and i'll be done,i should have done the every other day thing but,i just couldnt,so that might make things worse but i'll just have to bite the bullet and get this over.

Ive wanted to stop the sub for a long time anyway,just been too afraid,which is kind of stupid.I pretty much know what to expect so....

Im glad the Dr wouldnt take me back,otherwise i would just keep going and 2 years is long enough to be takint the sub.Like the Dr said,people are getting booted out of rehab after just 3 days of sub(believe me,i know)but this is different,ive been leaning on the sub for a long time now.Anyway,i will make it,no doubt.Easy to say now,but hopefully it wont take me too long to get through this,i will keep you all posted.

here are some new pics of my beautiful grandkid.They are what make me puch to get pill free.The baby,Michael spent the night last night,he sleeps with us.I was awaken by kisses alll over my face(at 5:45mind you) to his cute little voice saying "Kim,.Kim"....i told him,"thats GRANDMA to you pal"LOL...he is so sweet and so super smart,he wont be 2 until August 11th,and he knows his abc,can count,sing songs,and says ,i love you,please,thank you ,welcome,and alot more,if you cant tell,im super proud,not just of him,but all 3 of them.~KIM

Michael last night.

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Jennah on our right.

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Jake,he loves all sports!

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You are lucky to be blessed with those beautiful kids in your life!
AM,you are so right.I AM blessed.They keep me going everyday.Somedays TOO MUCH,but i love having them on the weekends.We do things EVERY weekend.By Monday,im wiped,in a good way,lol,Thanks~KIM
I am ready for grandkids! My daughter will probably get married next summer (she's 23) , so maybe little ones won't be far behind.
When i say they are the greatest,i mean it.My heart just swells so big when i watch them .Just things they say,certain ways they act,how they have fun together,it is no doubt,what life is about.

My husband and i always felt like a family with our 3 boys,but we feel like a much more knitted family with the grandkids here,they just make it all seem that this is the real truth of what life is all about.

I hope you have one soon(as soon as you would like,that is,lol)~KIM
What is your jumping off point? How many mgs? Keep talking to us Kim. The next few days are going to be rough, but you know, you just might not have it as bad as you think you will. Some don't. adorable are those grandkids. I can't wait, but to be honest right now I don't like my son.........I mean I love him.......but I do not like the person he is becoming.............I'm hoping to get it right w/grandkids LOL

How many mgs are jumping from? Good luck and we are here for you. You can do it!
I think i have enough crumbs for another 2 days,then im completely done.At this point,the crumbs are hard to measure but its doing the job,as far as holding off any real bad WD's yet.Thanks for asking,i know things are going to get rough,but hopefully i can handle it?~KIM