How Long Will My Suboxone Withdrawl Last??

Alright, so I had to do 15 days in my county jail for a 2nd DUI offense, and I couldn't get my Suboxone in there. Im 26 years old starting doing Oxycodone when I was 19, stopped Oxys and started suboxone at 22 years old. I have never tried to cold turkey anything because of how bad the pain is but I had no choice when I was locked up and I figured that when I got out I was already 15 days through so might as well stick with it. Now I'm on day 30! However I still feel like s***. The worst two symptoms are definitely (1) I have absolutely no energy whatsoever. Just trying to walk from one place to another is like difficult. This is especially annoying because I work in an office, and am constantly moving around, and as of right now just the process of walking from one place to another is difficult. (2) I feel like i have absolutely no emotions what so ever. I guess its just depression from coming off of it or whatever but its insane I literally feel like I have no feelings about anything. Other post acute withdrawl symptoms that I still have are constantly sneezing, headaches, and sweating in my sleep.

My question is: When do you think I will feel normal again? How long before I have energy? How long before my emotions and feelings return to normal? Also, is this normal for w/d to last this long?
Everyone is different and many experience different intensity of withdrawal symptoms. Paws usually doesn't set in until a few months after the acute and not everyone gets bad paws symptoms. I had it pretty bad, which lasted about a year. This may sound like a bad thing but this is what has turned me off opioids and related drugs. Pain is often how you learn, and boy have I learned. Hope you begin to get some relief soon.