I have taken percs and vicodin for about 2 years and weaned myself down with the help of my wife to about 20mg of percocet a day. I am now down to 10 mg a day and will be off the medication completely in about 5 days. The problem is I have to go to the doctor tomorrow because i had back surgery in the first week of december. I was wondering how long the WD should last? I was thinking about 2 weeks? It is going to be hard for me to turn down more pills as I know my doctor will write a script for percs without me even asking. I am bringing my wife with me to say no to the script but I am so scare to go thru the WD. I had been on Oxy's a few years back and that withdrawal was the hardest and most painful thing i have ever gone thru. I did it by myself but it sure wasn't easy!!!! Do you guys think I will be normal after about 2 weeks? I can't wait to live a normal life that isn't revolving around when I am gonna get my next high. I absolutely love the feeling that I get on percs but know I have to stop! I can't do this anymore and I feel like a loser. HELP!!!!
You definitly have something to be proud of and you are NOT a loser just have faith and you can do it. Be thankful you have your wife to stand by you.
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gotta........good for you! You are very smart and strong to know you need to quit now. If you have already been through this once,,,,,,,,,,,,,you know how it can be. Should last about 18-21 days. It varies with every one. And it won't be as bad as it was with the Oxy........I wouldn't think. I was actually on hydrocodone, so mayber someone else can jump in here and offer better advice.
Either way, good luck! You are very brave to have your wife go and refuse another script. You may love how it makes you feel now, but trust me, you will soon grow to hate it.
Welcome to the board. THis is a great place to come for advice and support. THere doesn't seem to be many folks here now, but they'll be on later and I'm sure will offer to help you. Hope to hear from you again soon!
Gotta........looks like you Gottahavefaith that more people will respond to your post. ha ha They will. It is really slow here tonight. Please stay with us and you will get the support and answers you need! Hang in there! Help is on the way!
Hey Gotta, have you got a plan for staying clean? Like meetings, a sponser, etc? Getting off the pills (believe it or not,lol) is not the hardest part. Staying off is the real challenge. It is very doable though!!! We just need help. This is too hard to do alone. You can get alot of support here, but it won't be enough. You need to make a plan. Attend meetings, learn all you can about your disease, learn the twelve steps and start working them. This is hard and these tools will give you the strength to handle the days ahead.Good luck!!! Much love, Kat
Kat...Thanks for the kind words and support. I never really thought about having plan to stay off. The one thing I will do is changed docs. I had a doc that would write me bottles of 100 without blinking an eye. I will not go to him anymore and try to do some kind of excerise every day. The pills have killed me and made me become larthargic. My wife is pretty much the support I need and she is helping me with this.
I wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year! This board is great and I appreciate the kind words.
God bless...
I wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year! This board is great and I appreciate the kind words.
God bless...
Exercise is good.... Not only does it help get your body back in shape, but it also takes your mind off of the fact that you don't have any more pills.
I don't think your withdrawals will be as bad as when you got off of oxys, but I was addicted to hydrocodone, so I cannot say that for sure. From what I've read, though, it should be easier. Can you take a week off of work and tell everyone you have the flu? It made it easier for me to deal with by pretending it was the flu.... going through withdrawals the first time, I was filled with such incredible guilt.... and every time I felt bad, I would look at my husband and think "He's looking at me thinking I did this to myself." I wouldn't even allow myself to get a lot of rest because he was out there working and supporting our family and I shouldn't be at home all day because I got screwed up with drugs....
This time, though, I went into it as if I had the flu.... I stayed in bed for a day, told everyone I was sick, and worked on resting up to get my body back to health.
Good luck with all of this.
I don't think your withdrawals will be as bad as when you got off of oxys, but I was addicted to hydrocodone, so I cannot say that for sure. From what I've read, though, it should be easier. Can you take a week off of work and tell everyone you have the flu? It made it easier for me to deal with by pretending it was the flu.... going through withdrawals the first time, I was filled with such incredible guilt.... and every time I felt bad, I would look at my husband and think "He's looking at me thinking I did this to myself." I wouldn't even allow myself to get a lot of rest because he was out there working and supporting our family and I shouldn't be at home all day because I got screwed up with drugs....
This time, though, I went into it as if I had the flu.... I stayed in bed for a day, told everyone I was sick, and worked on resting up to get my body back to health.
Good luck with all of this.
Danielle- Thanks for the advice. I actually am on disability and won't return to work until March, so work isn't an issue, which makes it much easier. I will keep you guys posted on my progress. The WD I had on Oxy's was so horrible that I wouldn't take that drug if you paid me $1000 and gave me them for free. They say the WD is like heroin. I never used Heroin so I don't know but it was awful. I don't know how I did it!!!
First week was bad, real bad I had been on Lortab 4-6 pills a day for 2+ years. 2nd week was rough, but days were a little better on the third week I really started having some good days. My biggest problem was mornings. I usually would take all 4 pills as soon as I woke up and then maybe No more until the next day. Mornings continued to be hard for me for most of the first month. I am very close to 60 days now and I have my life back. The WD's are horrible, but I know I can and will never go back to the pills.