How Mad Can You Get A Addict?

Just how mad can you get at a addict? Does it Help? I dont think so.. I kicked my hubby out , i just cant take anymore of the lies time and time again. Im so mad at him im seeing red. Im sure others have felt the same way. I cant live day to day hiding my purse worrying about our bank account being drained and all the other stuff that goes along with it.. I give yous credit that have hung in there for years and years, i just cant, it to much stress on me and my kids. It might seem to others ive given up which i feel i have, but i have a right to be happy and not have to deal with this day to day.... Ive kicked him out and to be honest i dont feel bad at all, its almost a relief. I hope whoever reads this doesnt feel im a cold person, im really not, i just dont see what i can do to help him anymore, ive tryed.... Any input would be helpful.

Hi ive done exactly the same thing,yesterday was payday he owed me 80 he reckons that he lost the money yeah right.Anyway i have been left broke till tuesday i havent even got a toilet roll to wipe my arse with im in a rite state.Its just lies after lies ive just found out that hes had at least 200 this week he said he owed deales which i dont believe.We are just wives/girlfriends that have had enough.

Good Luck
i would have done the same thing. One time, before i knew anything, i went into cvs for a minute and only took the money i needed and left my pocketbook in the car. and my bf came in a few mins later "to see what i was doing". i bought my stuff and we left. little while later i offered to buy us food and my pb wasnt there. he was nonchalant. i went back to cvs and it was in the parkinglot with the money missing. he denied having anything to do with it and i wanted to believe that maybe he left the doors unlocked or something but he robbed me!
to the first postage on this board,i know exactly how you feel.i have a husband using crack,we have 2 young children.i am at a loss for words dont know whats to do.i need someone to talk to myself.dont know what to think or do anymore,i hide the perse,the checkbook,i even take his check on payday,hurry to cash it before he does.been together 9 yrs.ihave lost all trust in him,eveytime he does it he swears he is going to stop,a week goes by and its back to the nightmare again.i have kicked him out twice,it only made him get worse,so lost and confused,im glad to know there is someone eles out there like me.
The way I see it, you haven't given up or failed. You've just done what you need to do to survive. You need to keep doing that for yourself and the kids. Let him do what he needs to do (or not do it if he so chooses). It's a tough hand we've been dealt, but I do know that you can be okay - I am now. I'll pray for you and your family.

without sounding over imposing i am a guy form uk whose been there and now cant use , if i do its simple, i die, thats why i dont uise anymore....everything i am reading on here is quite familiar and ineed, sad, anyway communicate with me if you need or want to understand the male, coke, psyche


The way I see it, you've done the best thing! You are protecting yourself, and your children, and making a positive stand against crack-cocaine! Well done!

Also, you are helping him one step toward recovery. As long as you are holding his head above water, he will be sticking a base-pipe between his lips!
Let him go, fall to his low, and hopefully he will make a turnabout.

Two years with my CH, and finally let go!

By the way, Jake, I would love to learn more about what goes on inside the mind when on is addicted. Perhaps you could post a topic about this so that we may all learn? It's weird just how little addicts talk about addiction! Almost like an oath of secrecy! Perhaps you could be so kind as to help us learn more about this, so we may better understand it, so as to be informed enough to make all the best choices regarding our beloved CH's!

Many thanks!
what is a CH? i would more tha willing to help others understand about coke use, by the way though i only used to snort coke and have nveer used crack
Hi Jake,

CH is an abbreviation used on some other forums as a "term of endearment" for our "Crack-Head" wives/husbands/etc.

Still, you are fighting cocaine, jake - and for that I take my hat off to you! :)
i didnrt realise this was a crack site! i think the 2 are totally different, in terms of damage and cost and hence affodabilty and what goes with it
Jake it's titled Cocaine/Crack Cocaine, so it's for both... :)

Yeah, I doubt whether you've ever excused yourself to go to the bathroom, and then jump out the window to go get a fix. Or hit the panic button on your security system, to get the police there so you could walk away with the spouse's mobile phone! And then sell that for 1/10th of its value for 3 hits!

I'm tired long time of it all!
no indeed i havnt... i could always afford it fortunatly...dsepite that though i suppose i put my family through S*** etc...
I didnt think there was a difference between crack and cocaine, thought both was the same just different ways to use.
crack is a purer and thus stronger form, the effect is more intense and it is much more addictive...people who use crack usually steal and aree poor, on the other hand coke users usually can afford it and all the stuff i hear on this sitre doeosnt usually happen
Hi sorry to disagree Jake but that was an extremely wide generalisation of the difference between crack and coke users. I used to use coke and now I use crack and gear but I have never stolen when on any of these. I am also from the UK. The way I look at it, if it is in you to steal then you will - desperate or not. I have a mate who steals constantly, I would never leave him with my bag or anything for a second yet he has money and doesn't really need to.

Just wanted to put my point across that it is the person using the drugs who steal - not the different drug making the choice that because you put it up your nose then you can afford it thus you won't steal. Coke is not better than Crack, just more expensive and hurts a lot more the next morning.

sorry that was wide i know... but thats the point of a generalisation and in my experience, though its becoming more widely used by middle class professionals etc..., the fact is, and it is borne out in many research studies that people of lower socio-economic status are more likely to use crack, the reverse for cocaine. There is further demographic statistics if you really want to know. For example you are more likely to be of black caribbean origin...The point i was trying to make ibn the previuos message was that there are clear distinctions in the demographics of both coke and crack users and i stick by it
Well just so you all know I am white, I guess I would be put into the middle/upper class category, own a property and have a full time job. Yet I do choose to use crack.

From someone who used to use both I don't think there are any distinctions between the two apart from one is a lot cheaper and is looked upon as a much 'harder, scarier' drug, because coke is meant to be used by celebs it is often given a glamourous slant. Ah the tabloid newspapers..............................

No drugs are good at the end of the day, ironic I can say that considering I am always thinking of what I am going to get next.

I am not disagreeing with the demographic studies - I just showing that they don't seem to ask everyone, why would they when it is assumed that someone like me would never be involved. Almost every dealer asks me how I came about this world - from my wealthier friends taking me with them to score.

Hey there Kim,

Indeed your story was what went down in my household at the exact same time of your posting. It is truly unfortunate. You are in good company.
Hi Angie,
So sorry to know your in the same boat, i never thought by posting i would get any replys. Its good to be able to chat about this to people who really understand and are caring people. All of yous are in my prayers. Just maybe one day crack or cocaine will be wiped off this earth and nobody will ever have to go through what we are all going through. I think about my dad who died of cancer he didnt have a second chance, then theres those who have a chance and choose to put drugs in their body.

Hugs to all of you!!!!
i was given a 2nd chance and thats why i quit coke..i had aheart attack and nearly died 3 mnths ago