I was thinking as i drink my morning tea, how many ives have we saved here do u think. Obviously i wouldnt die in a minute eating 16 vics a day but i certainly would die soner than later, i feel like asaved sould. I am no where near 100% actually my sub dr said u get 1% better a day. So that makes me 5% lol. Ill take it. Anything over those horrid wds. Never and i getting into opiates again. I have cut all ties and im in meetings
This puppy is svaed. And its all from your help
I have my special friends here,. christina, Pam, firesign., John, wildman, jeff suboxoman, matty, sielnt partner, and many many more
you sound like youre in a really good space redd--keep up the good work!!!
Glad to see you so positive and I am so proud of you I called this morning and left a message.I have to go finish Arielles party at the skating rink Ill try to call again tomorrow you have a truly blessed day Justin.YOu sound absolutely wondeful and you have a excellent story of hope to share for those who chose to use the subs.Please dont get to well and forget about us this is when we need you now!!!!! Love you,Cristina