Hows Everyone Doing Today?

I just wanted to say hello amd happy D- Day to all dads! i actully forgot that it was fathers day today, opps my bad, lol... hey what ever happened to Molly or carrie and all those people out of curiousity??

I am and have been on bed rest, it gets really hard at times because I have kids and all.... but its ok.. today i actully got breakfeast in bed..should of been the other way around.., but my husband is now my best friend instead of my enemy, YAHOOOO!!! that makes me happy ...hopefully we can start counseling soon??

hows everyone doing this pretty day??
Hi's nice to see you again. Molly is still around, don't know what happened to Carrie.

Why are you on bed rest? Did you hurt yourself or get sick? Hope you're ok.

Are you still on Sub? How's that going?

Hi Mitzy.
How is it going?

Long time no chat...

Give us as update on how you are doing??

Are you clean?
Are you taking Sub? or OxyContin??

Hows your tailbone today? (watch those stairs!)

Hey Mitzy,
Well glad to see your out of jail... So you went for 3 weeks huh? Well that was probably what you needed to get clean this time around. I know many people use sub the way you did and go back and forth with it and their DOC.. It was time you got off that ride.. It is just unfortunate that you had to sit in jail before you realized you needed to change your life. Everything happens for a reason I guess. Well congrats on being 5 weeks pregnant... Why did the doctor put you on bed rest already?
Write me back.. Rae
Well all thanks for your responces, no i am not on anything but prenatal tabs but i think that i might of wait i am sure that I lost the baby today, i am sooo upset i have been in bed all day crying:(... i have to watch myself and make sure that I am not bleeding to badly, sooo?? thats what I have been up to..i have been under a tremendious amount of stress with court and the drug program just all of it i think that is why i lost the baby, and the sad part is that i started buying stuff for it already:(.... well friends thanks for the kind words i will be around for a few take care and dont worry about me i wont use, GOD NO!! i have been cleans since the 11th of last month what ever that is..... i just need time to heal and stuff... i will keep u all posted...

take care....mitzy
You think or you know you lost the baby? Did you go to the ER? Did they give you an ultrasound? If your only 5 weeks not much will show on an ultrasound at this point anyway. They may beable to see a heartbeat but that may still be too soon. Well that is sad didn't you lose a baby last year to? You may want to talk to your doctor so they can run some tests for you. There may be something else going on with you other than stress.That is very sad. Write back! Rae
Hi Rae, i am or was 7 weeks along but its soon soon they couldnt see much, much less hear a heartbeat and as far a the ER my doctor said that yes i most likly lost the baby and i was on bed rest because i have lost two prior to this pregnancy so i was high rish already and bamm i didnt rest cause of all the kids i have already & i lost the baby, the doctor told me to watch out for a loss of a lot of blood and if that happens call 911 or go to the er asap! but thers really nothing they can do right know i have a appiontment in a few days and they will do blood tests and a sonogram them that way they can see if my levels went down fron the last test i took a week ago, this sucks i just knew that it was a boy, damm it,,,,sorry i am just really sad and so is my hubby...

my family thinks that it was for the best because all the drama w/court and all...

well things happen for a reason, right??