help please my husband is going throughhorrible withdrawls what should i do
Hi Liz,
What is he coming off? H, Meth, Sub? Either way he is going to feel like s***, but depending on how much he is coming off will depend on how bad his withdrawals are. I feel for you and him. I have been through withdrawals myself, I'm just going on 7 weeks now clean.
It sounds like it might be pretty bad. Do take it seriously. If he is going into massive withdrawal then it can be harmful for him physically. If you have nothing to ease his pain then you may have to take him to the hospital. Some people can die from severe withdrawal as it puts a lot of stress on the heart etc. I'm not trying to freak you out or anything, I just am worried and concerned about your partner and would hate for anything bad to happen.
Your post seemed pretty urgent. Talk to your partner. It is hard to give you advice as I'm not exactly sure of your situation, and how bad it is.
What is he coming off? H, Meth, Sub? Either way he is going to feel like s***, but depending on how much he is coming off will depend on how bad his withdrawals are. I feel for you and him. I have been through withdrawals myself, I'm just going on 7 weeks now clean.
It sounds like it might be pretty bad. Do take it seriously. If he is going into massive withdrawal then it can be harmful for him physically. If you have nothing to ease his pain then you may have to take him to the hospital. Some people can die from severe withdrawal as it puts a lot of stress on the heart etc. I'm not trying to freak you out or anything, I just am worried and concerned about your partner and would hate for anything bad to happen.
Your post seemed pretty urgent. Talk to your partner. It is hard to give you advice as I'm not exactly sure of your situation, and how bad it is.