I don't know what to do. My husband's addicted to vicoden and won't admit it. It's destroyed our marriage, but I've not left cause I still love him. We've no real friends, he only works part time (self employed) and sleeps almost constantly. I'm so full of rage it's destroying ME as well. I don't know what to do. I don't know if I've got the strength to leave him, but I know I can't stay in this either.
hi karan
i feel so bad for you. i know for myself, i got off of them just in time. i was starting to get bad mood swings. i don't know what to tell you except if he doesn't want to get help and quit, you will be one misserable person. find a prayer partner. if he would only know if he can fight through the first few days he will fell so much better. good luck and keep me posted on how he's doing. i will be praying for you
i feel so bad for you. i know for myself, i got off of them just in time. i was starting to get bad mood swings. i don't know what to tell you except if he doesn't want to get help and quit, you will be one misserable person. find a prayer partner. if he would only know if he can fight through the first few days he will fell so much better. good luck and keep me posted on how he's doing. i will be praying for you
Hey Karan. Please know that you are a very strong woman to stand by your man. That says a lot about your character. Have you thought about possibly doing an intervention. I may be mistaken, but I believe (in some states, at least), that you can intervene and commit him to an inpatient facility, where he can go through the physical withdrawal. But its the emotional withdrawal that's the worst. Please dont' take his mood swings personally. You are probably the best thing in his life right now, and he needs you, even if he doesn't realize it yet. Hang in there! I think you know what you need to do. Its hard, and sometimes costly, inconvenient, stressful, etc., but it will save his life.
Hi Karen. Sorry to be a party pooper but only he can save his own life. Of course it helps to have support when you are recovering from addcition. Most recovering addicts find that support from recovering addicts is what they need though.
Good luck x
Good luck x
Hi Karen,
I came to this board for the same reason you did - except I am not married. My 5 year boyfriend started on Vicoden and thought it was not big deal. Now he is on and off oxycontin -snorting it. He has been trying not 100% to quit for one year now and can't. I don't know what to tell you except to get educated and maybe talk to your own therapist. Or maybe his doctor. I don't know. He will keep secrets and lie and endanger himself and you. Be careful but be firm if you can and tell him you need him to get help. Where did he get the vicodin originally and where is he getting it now? Best of luck. I know it hurts - try to talk to him now before it gets worse. Maybe refer him to this web site.
I came to this board for the same reason you did - except I am not married. My 5 year boyfriend started on Vicoden and thought it was not big deal. Now he is on and off oxycontin -snorting it. He has been trying not 100% to quit for one year now and can't. I don't know what to tell you except to get educated and maybe talk to your own therapist. Or maybe his doctor. I don't know. He will keep secrets and lie and endanger himself and you. Be careful but be firm if you can and tell him you need him to get help. Where did he get the vicodin originally and where is he getting it now? Best of luck. I know it hurts - try to talk to him now before it gets worse. Maybe refer him to this web site.
Karen take a look at the cocaine forum under the post Loving a Former User/Abuser...I think some of the posts may help in that forum.
My husband has been addicted to prescription pain killers for many years. He has ruined his health and our family...kidney failure-kidney transplant- disability, heart attack, colenoscomy and now has to wear a bag, convulsions-car accident-lost driver license and now in March 2004 a stroke and cannot speak very well and on feeding tube. I have been the main bread winner and have to take care of my husband and try to work. I have come to realize that all this time I was really living alone because he was married to the drugs. I am co-dependent and I cannot leave my husband now with his health so bad (he is very pitiful). If you stay with an addict you are going to be on an emotional roller coaster. I did not take my advise -don't isolate from people...you need to get into a group that has this same problem and learn about co-dependency and most of all ask God to help you and listen to him.
My husband has been addicted to prescription pain killers for many years. He has ruined his health and our family...kidney failure-kidney transplant- disability, heart attack, colenoscomy and now has to wear a bag, convulsions-car accident-lost driver license and now in March 2004 a stroke and cannot speak very well and on feeding tube. I have been the main bread winner and have to take care of my husband and try to work. I have come to realize that all this time I was really living alone because he was married to the drugs. I am co-dependent and I cannot leave my husband now with his health so bad (he is very pitiful). If you stay with an addict you are going to be on an emotional roller coaster. I did not take my advise -don't isolate from people...you need to get into a group that has this same problem and learn about co-dependency and most of all ask God to help you and listen to him.
Dear Karen,
Im sorry to hear that you to are dealing with this.My husband had been on pills
for 3/4 years.He is clean now 27 days.All I can tell you is its a long hard road.
You can not do anything if he doesnt realize he has a problem.Eventually after
something bad will happen he may think about it. I always describe it has the run away train.Its only a matter of time befor it crashes,and you can do nothing to stop it.Try to focuse on other things and hold on.It will get worse before it gets better.Hopefully then he will get help.Keep yourself safe !!!! Are there children?
I hope this helps in some way or another.Theres not much to say until he wants the help. keep yourself occupied with good things and pray that he wakes up and sees the light.He will in time. GOOD LUCK !!! If you would like to talk more please post me. It helps to talk.
Im sorry to hear that you to are dealing with this.My husband had been on pills
for 3/4 years.He is clean now 27 days.All I can tell you is its a long hard road.
You can not do anything if he doesnt realize he has a problem.Eventually after
something bad will happen he may think about it. I always describe it has the run away train.Its only a matter of time befor it crashes,and you can do nothing to stop it.Try to focuse on other things and hold on.It will get worse before it gets better.Hopefully then he will get help.Keep yourself safe !!!! Are there children?
I hope this helps in some way or another.Theres not much to say until he wants the help. keep yourself occupied with good things and pray that he wakes up and sees the light.He will in time. GOOD LUCK !!! If you would like to talk more please post me. It helps to talk.