I am back my story is like a lot of others. I had back pain a long time ago and liked the way the drugs made me feel. In fact it wasn't even the taking of the drugs it was the thought that I had the drugs that made me so happy. When I had a full bottle I was supercharged and good to go, but when they got low so did my spirit. Ok where was I going to get more who had some in their homes which doctor had I not been to in a while. I am sick of it and sick of who I am. I am supermom while on the drugs but I do everything with the thought of when I will be taking the pills like if my husband wants to go out to dinner with the kids I don't usually go because it interferes with my drug taking time. I would watch intervention and be like wow see I am not that bad that person is taking 25 pills a day I will never get that bad, but the truth is for the past few weeks I have been at 5 lortabs a day plus 6 somas and 20 222s you see I only really counted the lortabs as being the really bad drug the others really did not do much for me. But hey I am just as bad since it has been almost 20 years of doing this. So for you first timers out there read this and pray to God you can quit before you are addicted this long. I just can't figure the damn thing out I have a great family Great supportive husband who does not think I have a problem 2 wonderful boys and father and mother that love me to death. The problem now is my mom is sick with cancer and I want to be able to be clean for myself and for her although she is also unaware of my problem. Everyone actually is they all think I am the perfect mom and wife live in the big house and have everything I could ever want but low and behold I am no better than the addict on the street. I just happen to have the money to get the drugs and I never had to buy them off the street since my two doctors had no problem prescribing them. I started feeling lousy the past month very nauseated all the time and vomiting at odd times during the day, last night I woke up around midnight and got sick. I had hoped I really was doing some damage to my body so I would have to quit pretty sick now I want an excuse to get me to quit!!! I know the next few days are going to be hell but if it weren't I would never learn huh??? Anyway I took 10 222s today and flushed everything else, it was so funny I literally had to run to the bathroom and just do it as I knew if I thought about it or kept them I would surely use not quite that strong yet.
I am happy to see some familiar names Justjane hope that the new job works out for you it will be a good test so hang in there, sounds like you are doing well otherwise I do wish you all well. I hope to be checking in the next few days but I guess it will depend on the w/ds. Anyone have any success with hypnosis? Just wondering
Thanks for listening yet again
Good to see you back Roxy! Never be ashamed, we've walked in your shoes also. Sorry to hear about your mom being sick. You are in my prayers sweetheart!
Roxy- You came back! Welcome. s*** happens your here that is what counts. Every time you try is closer to the time you succeed. You have found your way back to where you can get some feed back. You had some clean time once you can do it again.
Tell us whats been up.
Tell us whats been up.
Welcome back Roxy...I hope this attempt is the one for you!
Welcome back and good luck Roxy. Hang in there. Let us know when you can how you are doing. Shantel
you are not alone.
you are not alone.
you are not alone.
what are 222's?
edit........your not alone either....skeeter....*hugs*
what are 222's?
edit........your not alone either....skeeter....*hugs*
Hey Roxy, welcome back. Throw that shame out the door and pick yourself back up.
This isn't easy; otherwise we wouldn't need support groups and message boards, etc. to do this.
You are a brave girl for flushing and know that the w/d will be over soon. How about cutting off those doctors? That is crucial!
Welcome back and we are here to listen.
*Skeeter, what is going on with you? How are things going?
This isn't easy; otherwise we wouldn't need support groups and message boards, etc. to do this.
You are a brave girl for flushing and know that the w/d will be over soon. How about cutting off those doctors? That is crucial!
Welcome back and we are here to listen.
*Skeeter, what is going on with you? How are things going?
Huny listen our GREASTEST achivement is not NEVER falling but how we continue to pick ourselves up & keep trying
As long as your alive sweety there is hope,7 there is a good life without being held captive by drugs.....
Huny listen our GREASTEST achivement is not NEVER falling but how we continue to pick ourselves up & keep trying
As long as your alive sweety there is hope,7 there is a good life without being held captive by drugs.....
Roxy-You don't have to do this alone.Maybe coming clean to everyone and calling this number I will leave you can be the big breakthrough you need.
We're always our worst critics.Addiction is a progressive disease that has 3 components that need to be addressed.
The physical
The mental .................and
The spiritual
If one is addressed and the others not,little change happens.
What usually happens is that we may stay clean for a few months or even a few years but eventually something happens and we cave.
Give your family,friends and some recovering addicts a chance to help you.You don't have to be Super Mom anymore.That's too much responsibility for anyone and I'm sure the only one who expects that is you.
I'm leaving a Canadian number because I noticed in your post you mentioned 222's
Narcotics Anonymous
They will help locate a meeting near you.If you are in a rural area you might have to go to AA
We're always our worst critics.Addiction is a progressive disease that has 3 components that need to be addressed.
The physical
The mental .................and
The spiritual
If one is addressed and the others not,little change happens.
What usually happens is that we may stay clean for a few months or even a few years but eventually something happens and we cave.
Give your family,friends and some recovering addicts a chance to help you.You don't have to be Super Mom anymore.That's too much responsibility for anyone and I'm sure the only one who expects that is you.
I'm leaving a Canadian number because I noticed in your post you mentioned 222's
Narcotics Anonymous
They will help locate a meeting near you.If you are in a rural area you might have to go to AA