I Am Down To My Last Few.............ot

days of school that is.......and I have a final over 13 chapters plus a reflection paper to write and I can't make myself work on either. I've done very good so far and have been very dedicated, but today I just can't seem to concentrate. I am so tired of school and tired physically and mentally. It has been pretty tough. I've had my books out in front of me all day and try to get involved, but I end up daydreaming,etc.
I don't know how people get their masters. I couldn't do it simply b/c I don't want to spend every waking minute studying!
Well, it will be over with tuesday so I've got to buckle down and get busy. Just venting.....well, venting may be too strong of a word but you get it.

I best get to work....thanks for listening.
You're studying for your teaching degree, right? I am a special ed. teacher.

The end of classes are tough for me due to the art of procrastination I practice. Somehow (I really am not sure how) I got my masters.......you will do it!!!!!

I am getting re-certified. I used to teach 9 yrs, ago and recently decided to go back to teaching. I am teaching the 3rd grade next year. I have my Bachelor's + 6hrs and that's all I'm getting. I just can't take anymore classes...LOL
I didn't know you were a teacher. That's great. Mom-N-More is a teacher too.
Thanks for the encouragement!
Being a full-time musician did not provide steady pay or health benefits, so I became a teacher a few years ago. I love it!!! This summer I have been working in a program for autistic high-school students. I think I would like to work with these type of kids year-round. You must be psyched to have your own classroom again!!!
I am really excited about it. I have already been to school to see my room and figure out what all I am going to need to get it ready.

I have written several papers on autism. That is really cool that you are doing that. I can see how it would be rewarding.
Hey Rhonda, Just wanted to pop in and say how proud I am of you for following through with this. You have come such a long way since you first joined the board. You are gonna do great. Shantel
((((((((((((awwww)))))))))) Hugs Shantel. Thank you so much for saying that. How have you been doing? How are those beautiful grandkids?
Allright, I am going to really get busy now. It's good to "see" you. You always have encouraging, positive things to say!
Rhonda, Everything here is great. Just got back from the Rainforest cafe for one of my grandaughters birthday she turned two. We all had a great time. Well, I won't keep you I know you have alot of studying to do. Have a good night. Shantel
i would of wanted you for a teacher for my children Rhonda...nuff said.
That is so sweet of you to say Lisa. I am just down to the final exam and I am finished!!!
great job rhonda! it must be so hard studying all day like that, oh by the way recovery is starting to look good on you! love and God bless you jewels
Bless you too Julie. You guys have been a big part of my recovery!
I am finished!!!!!! YIPEEEEEEEEEE! Not sure if the work got harder or I got dumber since I went to school last........yep, I know which one. I don't know how I got through college the first time b/c my social life and parties were a big part of my life then. LOL
Thanks for the sweet words!