Ok so the medication I have been taking is the Wellbutrin and tramadols when I really need them. Anyways Shawn still has not found a job. My temporary job is about to be over. I don't know what we are going to due about the bills and I am really scared!!!
Sorry times are rough for you right now. Can Shawn go down to the employment office and talk to someone to help find him a job? Can you get any unemployment benefits or another temp job? Don't let yourself get overwhelmed with stuff all at once. Break it down into small steps to get done. Meantime...it''s Sunday! Not a dang thing you can do right now, so why ruin the day with stressing? Take care of today, enjoy today. Tomorrow will come soon enough and then start trying to solve things.
Hoping you relax today,
Sorry times are rough for you right now. Can Shawn go down to the employment office and talk to someone to help find him a job? Can you get any unemployment benefits or another temp job? Don't let yourself get overwhelmed with stuff all at once. Break it down into small steps to get done. Meantime...it''s Sunday! Not a dang thing you can do right now, so why ruin the day with stressing? Take care of today, enjoy today. Tomorrow will come soon enough and then start trying to solve things.
Hoping you relax today,
Hey Fiona....your useless BF needs to MAN UP and get a fricken job. I hope you are paying close attention. Things like this don't change as the relationship moves on. A glimpse into your future with him perhaps. He seems to be unemployed alot...meanwhile you are working twice as hard to make up for it.
Just my observation.....if I were you.....I would insist that he get a job...any job.
Regardless.....keep putting one foot in front of the next!
Just my observation.....if I were you.....I would insist that he get a job...any job.
Regardless.....keep putting one foot in front of the next!
What KeeKee said.
For crying out loud.
For crying out loud.
Thanks guys, he is trying to get a job he is putting in applications. ITs not that he isn't trying but its such a small town there isn' t much room for improvement. he just hasn't had anyone call him back yet. Another weird thing is that I have been taking the Wellbutrin for 6 days now and I actually feel a little better, well except for the restless legs. I think there might be something else wrong because everytime I tell a doctor about it they say that where I have it is not common at all. I feel a weird feeling in the tops of my thighs. I mean sometimes I feel it in my feet but man my thighs drive me crazy!!!!
Hearing "He is putting out applications" reminds me of a guy that sits home on monster.com all day saying he was job hunting.
If he really really wants a job, he will make sure he dresses great, GOES to the place, NEVER call. Ever. and he has to followup on a resume/application ... not just turn one in and don't look back.
Just some suggestions.
Try Requip and get off the tramadol. another suggestion.
If he really really wants a job, he will make sure he dresses great, GOES to the place, NEVER call. Ever. and he has to followup on a resume/application ... not just turn one in and don't look back.
Just some suggestions.
Try Requip and get off the tramadol. another suggestion.
I have been trying to get requip but none of my doctors seem to want to give it to me. The only they give me is Klonipin and recently a 7 day supply of Ambien which didn't work at all!! No he is following up, its just really hard right now. Hes a great guy and he is doing what he can but trust me if you knew this town you would understand more.
LOL..I'd never hire anyone who just walked in. Nor would I interview them.
Maybe it's a geographic thing.
that's how i've gotten MOST of my jobs.
besides the one now which was from word of mouth
that's how i've gotten MOST of my jobs.
besides the one now which was from word of mouth
Ok you guys aren't even giving him a chance. Trust me he is doing everything right. Its just hard in this area to find something good or just something else!
How come he doesn't sign up for temp agencies?
Fiona, Like I told Elvis in a previous thread there are jobs out there maybe not the ones you or your boyfriend would like but at least it is money coming in while you look for another job. I live in a very small town to and if push came to shove I would have no problem flipping burgers at Burger King. Shantel
You're damn right Shantel. Do what ya gotta do.
Fiona, from everything that you have posted about him from day one is negative.....very negative. If all is true....he is a deadbeat. He treats you like crap...and is down as long as the pill supply is good. He also has addiction issues that he needs to address. Can't you see that?
Sorry that is just the way I see it. Look at it for what it is....don't try to sugar coat it because you wish it were a certain way. You are creating a fantasy in your head. I think you have all the right ideas about a relationship and having a good bf that may turn into marriage...but you have the wrong guy.
Jobs are available..especially if it means putting food on the table and paying the bills. It is a matter of survival.
Sorry that is just the way I see it. Look at it for what it is....don't try to sugar coat it because you wish it were a certain way. You are creating a fantasy in your head. I think you have all the right ideas about a relationship and having a good bf that may turn into marriage...but you have the wrong guy.
Jobs are available..especially if it means putting food on the table and paying the bills. It is a matter of survival.
Hey Stac, How are you? You haven't been posting much lately. Hope everything is going well for you. Shantel
Hell I have cleaned office buildings, homes, etc like others have said, you do what you have to do.
7-11, and fast food joints beg for people.
Like Kee said we can only go by what you have written on the board, now you defend him. Hey it is your life, but don't expect sympathy from those of us who think he is taking you for a ride based on your words.
Got news for him, the longer he is without work the harder it is to find something, if he shows effort a prospective employer will at least take that into consideration. i.e. temp work, fast food, laborer, whatever job he takes.
Gaps in employment is not going to sit well. Sure everyone wants 'that perfect' job, sometimes we get lucky, sometimes we must crawl before we walk.
Someone mentioned the unemployment office, GREAT suggestion and perhaps he should start there, you too for that matter. They have jobs listed that may not be in the papers, or on monster or career builders.
7-11, and fast food joints beg for people.
Like Kee said we can only go by what you have written on the board, now you defend him. Hey it is your life, but don't expect sympathy from those of us who think he is taking you for a ride based on your words.
Got news for him, the longer he is without work the harder it is to find something, if he shows effort a prospective employer will at least take that into consideration. i.e. temp work, fast food, laborer, whatever job he takes.
Gaps in employment is not going to sit well. Sure everyone wants 'that perfect' job, sometimes we get lucky, sometimes we must crawl before we walk.
Someone mentioned the unemployment office, GREAT suggestion and perhaps he should start there, you too for that matter. They have jobs listed that may not be in the papers, or on monster or career builders.
It's not geographic. I guess it is more job type specific.
Fiona......you could have neuropothy. It has the same symptoms as restless leg syndrome but much worse. It has something to do with the nerves in your legs. It also can cause your hands to feel like that. My mother has that and takes something called Lyrica for it and she says it really helps. She would cry all day long with her legs and now this med has been a lifesaver. It's not a narcotic (which you prob know that). It's a simple test to see if you have it.
Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth. LOL
Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth. LOL
My 16 year old daughter works 2 part time jobs. One is at Mc'Donalds and the other is where I work. We encouarage her to work as long as she keeps her grades up which she does but she also loves working and paying for her cell phone and car insurance and other things. It teaches her independence. Surely if she can find a job your boyfriend can to. Shantel
Not only do fast food joints beg for people...they pay relatively well....some 12 dollars an hour...depending on where you are....some more and they have good health benefits.
Twelve bucks an hour at an 8 hour day is real close to 100 bucks a day....which a better than ZERO per day. It is about priorities and want. Perhaps he is aware that you will indeed "pick up the slack"....his slack!
I don't want to sound harsh but sometimes what people need to hear isn't always what they want to hear.
Twelve bucks an hour at an 8 hour day is real close to 100 bucks a day....which a better than ZERO per day. It is about priorities and want. Perhaps he is aware that you will indeed "pick up the slack"....his slack!
I don't want to sound harsh but sometimes what people need to hear isn't always what they want to hear.