I Did It! I Jumped!!!

Im 5 days off suboxone and I cant believe it. Ive put myself through hell and back worrying about coming off this drug. So far it hasnt been bad at all--I jumped between 2 and 3 mgs. I just could not get any lower no matter how hard i tried. I figured I would give it a shot, and if it didnt work out, I would go back on and TRY to taper again. But Im 5 days out of that and I dont want to go back there...ever again! Thanks Brooke for all your help.... firesign
Good for you....I hope you have continued success with your taper, now that you are done totally, and you continue to feel good! There are many here trying hard with the sub taper and you are inspiring....
Take Care~ Lucky
Way to go Fire-Awesome --
Thanks guys
Im so relieved and happy-- this w/d isnt bad so far-- I dont care, I have 5 days!
Hey 5 days is 5 more than you had last week, right. Pat yourself on the back, good work, fire!
Lucky ;)
That is so COOL! Way to go! Hang in there..you might have some down days but just know that you did this and you can keep it up...
Thanks lucky and HI cowgirl!!
There is no turning back for me now. You dont understand, well maybe you do, but every night I was on this (2 years) I wanted off but I just couldnt do it. I prayed and prayed every single night and it was the same prayer over an over so finally, a friend of mine just said, pick a day a do it-- so i made her a promise that i would, and when the day came for me to jump I was still on 2.5mgs and i wanted to taper lower, but she gave me a scolding till no end. Then I got really disappointed in myself and just said "F" it and I jumped. It has not been bad so far. My husband asks me every morning "how do you feel? and this morning was the worst so far but doable, Im expecting tomorrow to be worse but Im doing it, Im breaking free from these handcuffs of sub. I cant turn back now.... thanks guys!! fire :)
Fire, 5 whole days, that is so awesome! Good for you! Keep up the good work, you can do it!
You've made it this far, right~ You are a brave soul to go for it! Glad you have that buddy to have your back....We all have our good and bad days, on or off the sub, right, but I am so glad to see someone doing it, and working it with determination. What a good idea, picking the date and just doing it then, making a plan, and stickin to it, I bet there are many better days even after these 5 , for you ! There are others, trying, and you inspire with your confidence.
Good for you, again!
Fire now that your off the suboxone what is your game plan going forward?

Have a good night--Jeff
Hey Jeff
Hows things? I havent thought that far ahead yet--Im sure I will go back to aa as one option though- it saved my life once and I believe in the program-- take care!
I was really happy to see you post. Fire I needed structure when I came off the suboxone the first time but due to 3 days into new freedom I ended up in hospital fighting for my life.

My addiction specialist knew how angry I was. She was scared i would do something crazy. She saved my life by reasoning with me to accept what happened and more important have a 'PLAN"--I am blessed to have had this woman in my life.

Fire years ago you went on Suboxone now your off it--do you have an addiction specialist you can see?

These doctors are very special if you get a good one. I guess its all luck in some ways.

Fire just keep fighting for your life and you will be just fine.

Keep in touch and if i can help in anyway --suboxman@aol.com

Way to go Fire--
You just needed a little push...so happy for you Fire. Every day will get better but with support, it'll be easier. Are you talking to people? Face to face? Meetings maybe?
Hey Cowgirl
I havent gone to any meetings.. yet. But I will. I have to. I promised my Creator that if I could get through this w/d I would go back to meetings. Probably in the next week or two or sooner. Im so happy that I have 6 days. This has been weighing on my mind every day and night for so long now. I honestly thought I would suffer terribly or not do it at all. And Im hanging in there-- mornings are yucky-- i push myself to walk at the gym--- and then come home and eat a little something and rest. I met a really nice person over the internet who was jumping from sub too- and she is about 2 weeks ahead of me and she has been pulling me along. I have no cravings at all for sub or pain pills. whew. :)
Does your husband still have pain pills in the house?

Get all of the support you can Fire...you are so worth this.
Good for you Fire, 5 days is great. You sound so positive, and I'm sure that will be to your advantage. Keep at it!

hey there
no my husband only has heart pills in the house-- no pain pills :)
HI MIchelle! thank you!!
That is awesome Fire..I know in the past you were using his meds. You've got so much going for you this time around...I'm just tickled for you!
Congratulations, fire! Great work. I hope you don't wait too long to get back to meetings. We are good at putting off things that can help us.
Youre so right 12-stepper--
Ill see how Im doing this weekend and maybe hit a womens meeting-- thats where I first got sober---Im going to have to spill everything sooner or later and hopefully Ill see some old friends--thanks all :)