My brothers been on heroin for about 2 years, he tries to get off it but he never keeps it up. He has been on the rattle for about 2 weeks but he didnt stay off it, and i have found him a couple of times when hehas been in the process of doing it.
It is beginning to get quite serious aswell because he was unconciouss with it one time.
I dont really know what to do, he says he is off it but i dont believe him. Does anyone knoe how i can help to try and get him off it?
You said that your brother has tried to come off heroin before? How many times has he tried to come off of it, an when was his most recent time? Have you asked him how he feels about heroin an if he really wants to stop taking it?
He can only begin to think about coming off it when he is completley 100% ready, an he has to do it for him self. Of course you can give him encouragment and support but he has to do it on his own really. If he really wants to get off it an stay off it you should ask him wheter he has been to see his GP to ask if he can get some help, there are alsorts of different organizations that can help him get off the H, it depends on the area you live etc. but his GP should put him in contact with one of them, then he will have to wait maybe a couple of weeks - or even a couple of months depending where in the country you are. He will then most probably be offered either SUBUTEX (a tablet which comes in either 0.4mg, 2mg, or 8mg) which aids people in coming off heroin or METHADONE which is a liquid an can come in any dosage depending on the size of the users habit. If your brother is using betwenn 15 - 30 worth of heroin a day then I would say that SUBUTEX is definatley the best option, if his habit is larger than that then he will probably be offered METHADONE but he can still choose which one he wants (depending on where you are in the UK).
As a SUBUTEX user myself, I would say that (having tried both) it is better than Methadone, its easier to come off of, there isn't such a stigma attached to it - e.g. if you are drinking your methadone, an people see you, they know what you're doing an sometimes make judgement about you, especially if your brother works an has to take it at work, with SUBUTEX you just take one small hedex like tablet in the morning, or evening, and thats it, you don't really have any side effects with Subutex either, unlike Meth witch has the same sort of effect as heroin, making you feel drowsy and spaced out. Also with subutex if you're brother does decide to take heroin on top of it, then the gear won't work as Subutex has a blocker in it, which is also good if you're brother REALLY does wanna come off the gear, wheras with Methadone you can take as much gear as you like and it will still have its effect - this is how a lot of people I know have Methadone AND Heroin habits, which is just the wrong road to go down.
Get your brother to ask his GP for advice.
In the mean time, try and be supportive of your brother if he does decide to come off the gear Cold Turkey, and be there for him whenever you can.
Good Luck.
You said that your brother has tried to come off heroin before? How many times has he tried to come off of it, an when was his most recent time? Have you asked him how he feels about heroin an if he really wants to stop taking it?
He can only begin to think about coming off it when he is completley 100% ready, an he has to do it for him self. Of course you can give him encouragment and support but he has to do it on his own really. If he really wants to get off it an stay off it you should ask him wheter he has been to see his GP to ask if he can get some help, there are alsorts of different organizations that can help him get off the H, it depends on the area you live etc. but his GP should put him in contact with one of them, then he will have to wait maybe a couple of weeks - or even a couple of months depending where in the country you are. He will then most probably be offered either SUBUTEX (a tablet which comes in either 0.4mg, 2mg, or 8mg) which aids people in coming off heroin or METHADONE which is a liquid an can come in any dosage depending on the size of the users habit. If your brother is using betwenn 15 - 30 worth of heroin a day then I would say that SUBUTEX is definatley the best option, if his habit is larger than that then he will probably be offered METHADONE but he can still choose which one he wants (depending on where you are in the UK).
As a SUBUTEX user myself, I would say that (having tried both) it is better than Methadone, its easier to come off of, there isn't such a stigma attached to it - e.g. if you are drinking your methadone, an people see you, they know what you're doing an sometimes make judgement about you, especially if your brother works an has to take it at work, with SUBUTEX you just take one small hedex like tablet in the morning, or evening, and thats it, you don't really have any side effects with Subutex either, unlike Meth witch has the same sort of effect as heroin, making you feel drowsy and spaced out. Also with subutex if you're brother does decide to take heroin on top of it, then the gear won't work as Subutex has a blocker in it, which is also good if you're brother REALLY does wanna come off the gear, wheras with Methadone you can take as much gear as you like and it will still have its effect - this is how a lot of people I know have Methadone AND Heroin habits, which is just the wrong road to go down.
Get your brother to ask his GP for advice.
In the mean time, try and be supportive of your brother if he does decide to come off the gear Cold Turkey, and be there for him whenever you can.
Good Luck.
My son is a long time heroin and pain pill addict. He has had periods of time when he has been clean, but something always seems to bring him back there. This most current sequences of relapse are the worst I have known of. We (his parents) have helped him with his clinic visits where he was prescribed suboxne. Supposedly, he felt it was effective but after less than one week, he relapsed. He went to his local hospital where he said they gave him narcan? and let him suffer through the night covered in his own waste and then released him the next day even when he told them he needed help and felt he is a danger to himself. I talked to him briefly(We live on opposite ends of the US) and he was to return my call yesterday. He did not call and his roommate has not seen him. He has no insurance or job at this point. We are DESPERATE and lost. Does anyone know how he can find a place where he can go for a period of time? He is willing to try anything.
Thankyou and God bless
Thankyou and God bless
Your son may be able to get medical help from access or many clinics at the local leval have funded programs. Check into Drug and Alcohol consulars in his area. I have gotten help there for my daughter.
Thankyou ca for the info. We have since heard that he is wandering around Phoenix using. Some friends are going to try and find him and have him admitted somewhere. He seems to have given up the struggle. Gave his dog that he loves to his ex girlfriend, pawned his guitar that is his most prized possession and stole from friends to get there. He has never resorted to crime before. We are living in dread of THAT call and hope he turns up before its too late. Does anyone know the legal requirements of having someone committed to a detox center. He is a danger to himself right now. If he is willing to surrender and get treatment, once detoxed, we are going to try and find a long term place for him to recover and relearn coping skills, handle his guilt and shame etc. It is a long and painful process to come clean and face these realities, but does anyone out there believe it can be accomplished? Can a longtime addict truly find and live a sober life? I am losing hope. If a mothers love was the answer, he would be cured, but I don't know how to help him. Like everyone out there struggling with this disease, we are in anguish. How much do we help and how much is it his deal to fight for his life? Please share.