I Get To See My Son Tomarrow,horray

I want to thank the people who talked to me.your advice helped me.My son went up in front of what they call tha family and they approved our visit.He has been in rehab for three weeks.I can;t wait to see him.
my 24 year old son is an alcoholic and addict. he was in 90 day rehab during his first year of college. right now, he lives in a half way house.

i can remember the visits every sunday. i know you will have a fine time chatting with him. and don't worry about what to say. there will be plenty to talk about.
Bob i sent a note to you thanking you for your kind words, i don't know how to get them to you for sure so i hope you get his one.Keep up the good words.
yes, thank you. i wish you all the best.
Dear Bob,

How in the world did you afford 90 days of rehab for your son?!?! Hope things are going well for him. My son is considering a half-way house.


we had insurance coverage that handled part of it.

some rehabs will negotiate fees.

he's still living in the halfway house. been there since before christmas. haven't heard from him since last sunday. need to call him.

by the way, i can relate to the Life In the Spirit seminar that you mentioned elsewhere. if you are ever invited to a Catholic cursillo, go ! drop everything for a few days and go.

thinking of you.
Hi wantingtohelp,
I am eager to hear how your viist went with your son. I have been following your posts for awhile and think you are doing great. I wish you and your son all the best..
