I Had Such A Great Day!

I've been struggling with my depression and anxiety for the past several months. I've been doing the worst thing I can do which is isolating myself inside my house. But yesturday and today have been very different. Yesturday I worked hard doing house work and then I spent the evening with my daughter. She's 12. I took her to get a haircut and she ended up getting a kind of make-over. It was so much fun to watch her because she was so excited about her new look. We got up extra early this morning and fixed her hair. Then she had field day today. Do you all remember field day? That was always one of my favorite days in the school year. The school she goes to is a Christian school so they still consider 6th grade elementary. So this year was her last field day. It was all day down at the city park. I was going to stay home but decided to go instead. It is beautiful here today. So I spent the day watching my daughter at field day. This evening I made chicken tacos for dinner and we have been relaxing and playing board games. This was the best day I've had in a long time and I am so thankful!
Shelly, I love how your day wasn't a trip to Disneyworld or winning the lottery, or buying a new sports car. It was full of small miracles that you appreciated, and you sound so grateful for just living life!

I'm glad you posted. I think it reminds us we can be happy with our daily lives, and not always be waiting for the next great thing to happen. I know I need to be reminded to live in the present!

Congrats to you and your daughter!
I noticed that too Mom..it was about the little things, not something out of the ordinary. I love that we get to have those emotions back and truly feel them. There is happiness in recovery if we let ourselves get well enough to feel it. Good for you Shelly...those times with your daughter are going to go by in a heartbeat...don't miss a minute.
Hey Shelly,

I don't usually post on this board but I HAD to read it because of the title, and I'm glad I did. It's wonderful that reading about your happiness made me happy, your joy brought me a little bit of joy over here in Cardiff....made me smile.

Thank you for spreading the light.
