1.) Are the withdrawals from Sub as bad as painpills? I heard someone say that
they jumped off of 2mgs with no withdrawals or issues at all.
2.) Am I trading my dependence on full agonists with dependence on partial
3.) Will I be able to function when fully off of Sub?
Sorry about the weakness and doubts, I am just still scared about this, even after 4 weeks of being on sub. I am on 6 mgs a day, started off at 16mgs, then 8, now 6. Thanks for any input you may have for me :)
I have been off subutex now for well over a year, and I am functioning.
Getting off sub is not a death sentence, it takes time to restore our bodies, I gave it about 8 months of being off, and could not take the depression any longer, I had reached my limits. Went on an AD. Maybe I had depression all along, maybe hormones, who knows who cares, I tried the year thing of no medications, and I caved at 8 months.
Sub WD is different for each person, I would suggest tapering down to the lowest possible dose, i.e. crumbs, take your time doing this, the WD will be minimal. You may or not have them. Some do some don't.
Cold turkey WD from pain pills is more intense they just dont last as long, sub WD is less intense but they last longer. We pay the piper regardless. No easy way out.
People ask me if I had to do it over again which route I would take. I would take the sub route over CT WD any day. Having said that, I have been clean from opiates over 3 years.
I was on sub for a year, low dose, and I had WD, they were similar to the CT WD just not as intense, only way I can describe it, they just lasted longer.
I also allowed fear to drive my every thought. Looking back, my fear was so unnecessary. Fear of the unknown.
Getting off sub is not a death sentence, it takes time to restore our bodies, I gave it about 8 months of being off, and could not take the depression any longer, I had reached my limits. Went on an AD. Maybe I had depression all along, maybe hormones, who knows who cares, I tried the year thing of no medications, and I caved at 8 months.
Sub WD is different for each person, I would suggest tapering down to the lowest possible dose, i.e. crumbs, take your time doing this, the WD will be minimal. You may or not have them. Some do some don't.
Cold turkey WD from pain pills is more intense they just dont last as long, sub WD is less intense but they last longer. We pay the piper regardless. No easy way out.
People ask me if I had to do it over again which route I would take. I would take the sub route over CT WD any day. Having said that, I have been clean from opiates over 3 years.
I was on sub for a year, low dose, and I had WD, they were similar to the CT WD just not as intense, only way I can describe it, they just lasted longer.
I also allowed fear to drive my every thought. Looking back, my fear was so unnecessary. Fear of the unknown.