I Honest To God I Came Here Looking For Support

I am sorry for what transpired and I am sorry for all that was said and I cannot help what melody came on here and said. I truly am sorry and really was looking for support. instead I got made fun of and talked about from others post. I think I had left things alone and could not help what melody was saying and I am sorry for that. I just wanted to say goodbye to everyone. here is my email address for those who still would like to keep in touch imapriminla34@aol.com. I am sorry again but this is only hurting my recovery more than it is helping it. So I wish all of you goodluck in your recovery and for those who I have gotten close to please email me. I still need support from the addicts who are in recovery. Thanks again,
What did I miss?
april, you are welcome to come on here and talk about recovery...the personal squabbling was what had everyone up in arms...that and y'all using the same name.
Uh oh... what did i miss? April... i don't know what's going on... i just want to say that i am still here for you if you need me... my other computer died around 6 yesterday (talk about wd's...lol) but now i got this other one hooked up. Love, Bri :)
April, You can't be held accountable for others' actions. You, like everyone else here, needs to vent and talk and get support. Everyone here is different, so there are bound to be disagreements. If everyone was the same, the world would be a pretty boring place. As I said before, I envy you for your strength and willpower. You have my email if you need to vent/talk/BS/whatever so feel free to use it :) *big bear hug*
OMG... Dura... we're on the same wavelength... i wrote something similar on the other thread to you! :)
April, I don't think anyone was criticizing you for wanting support and sharing your story about recovery.

It was all the confusion with Melody signing on as you, and the two of you sharing your personal issues with the board, and then going back and forth defending and explaining things........it was very confusing to me, at least, and didn't seem to be about recovery. People here have a kind of strange sense of humor, but they are very good people at heart (in my opinion)

But at least from my perspective, as a relative newbie, you are always welcome here. It was just all the "stuff" that was bothering me, at least, where I couldn't even track who was coming or going or signing on as who!

Although we are human and perhaps a little more susceptible to personal defects of character it is sad when someone feels ostracized when seeking recovery.

I don't know what happened nor do I really care.

All I care about is that we must practice a higher level of understanding and empathy.

My hope is that on this site that anyone truly seeking help can find it.

God bless.

I think everyone here wanted to support you in your recovery. I know I did. But, things really spun out of control.

You become so overly defensive that it is impossible to talk with you. Then, all this mess with your girlfriend, It is just TOO MUCH.

I support you in staying clean 100% as I do everyone on this board.

Bri, hehe... you know the saying... great minds think alike :) Now... if only I could figure out where I lost my mind at I'd be much better :))
Hey April are you ok? I am here if you need someone to talkto , guess what 14 days today!!!
April,I realize there has been alot of drama & youve caught a bunch of it,but I also know this board can be AWESOME as far as helping in recovery.Please always feel free to come here & discuss recivery issues.You have one hell of a story & I feel it can help newbies & oldies.Take care of yourself & know I promise to keep in touch.
Ive said this before but your story really made me look at myself & how I looked at recovery,I will ALWAYS be thankful to you for that.Take Care Girl & you have my addy if I can ever help in anyway/././...mj
G'd afternoon MJ... good to "see" you. Arent you glad it is Friday? OMG... i am soooo looking forward to it. Guess what? I am getting a solid black long hair cat soon. I am adopting him from someone... they can't have him anymore. His name is Lucky. Hee hee... Love you, Bri :)
Hey Bri, My daughter had my freaking computer from noon til 2:30!!! Little witch! Yes I like Fridays,its a time me & the BF go to shop some(food etc)& just have some alone time.I guess both my girls are going to the movies tonite so Ill have even more quite time
OOOOOHHHH A kitty honest Bri I have 3 in a 2 bdrm apt now & left up to me I would LOVE to get more.Im afraid my baby(the real mj)is such a spoiled little thing.I think I created a monster.
Whats your plans for the weekend?Anything GOOS.LOL
I like M.J. believe you have a very strong and powerful message to share here on this site.I really wish you would reconsider leaving.It was your story that made me want to get away from my addiction to pills.To be able to feel the happiness you find in every new day since being clean.There are but a very few on here who can actually say they have made it as far as you have. Just know our newbies and some oldies who will and have gained strength by hearing what you have overcame in your life.God Bless you April. I hope you come back soon!!

P.S. There were quite a few who seemed to enjoy all that mayhem weren't there?
Hey Suzie how are you doing today????mj
Hey M.J.,
As you know this really sucks!! I just came on for a minuet. Glad I did since April seems to be wanting to leave. What a shame!! Thanks for asking. Hot baths and chicken soup for now. AARRGG!! I don't know about this!!

Molly, Suzie, Just wanted to say hello and see how your day was going? Shantel
Will you please email me? I sent you one and it came back user unknown. It's probably something I did. I'm not very stableright now. W/D's are worse than I imagined. I would appreciate it. onesuzieme@hotmail.com

..I just wanna say sumink without bringing yesterday up..nor do i wanna talk about it..but don,t go if thats the reason..you have a story to tell that is gonna be beneficial to a lot of newbies aswell as some already here who have,nt read your drug history..i,ve said many things on here that was,nt called for..but it was said..so i apologised to some and i moved on..if you wanna go..thats your choice..i wish you well in your recovery..but if its only cos of what went on..its over now..put it behind ya and stay around..take it easy..Robbie..