I haven't been around for awhile. I doubt anyone even knows me but I hope everyone is doing well. I'm 4 years 8 months clean and life is good for me.
Take care
how are you? glad to hear you are still clean, that great. 4yrs is wonderful.
congrats to you
congrats to you
Thanks raerae
I'm doing well. Being clean is all it's cracked up to be. After going through three years of hell, I'm having the time of my life.
I'm doing well. Being clean is all it's cracked up to be. After going through three years of hell, I'm having the time of my life.
its nice not to wake up and need to use just to get out of bed, yea know. not having to make sure you have enough to get through the day, making sure you don't leave yourself sick. its wonderful having money for christmas, kids birthdays, my bills are paid and i can go on vacation without having to worry about what i'm going to do for dope while i'm away. its so freeing not to be using!
i can live life like i'm suppose too. not always dazed or sick.
life isn't so bad when you live it on lifes terms.
hope you are well today
i can live life like i'm suppose too. not always dazed or sick.
life isn't so bad when you live it on lifes terms.
hope you are well today
Absolutely remember you and congratulations on so much clean time!